Drain's here to Stay!!

on 6/18/04 4:07 pm - Bogart, GA
Sorry guys. I was soooo not serious about removing the drain myself!!! I am just incredibly annoyed by it at this point and the fact that the stitch is pulling. I keep the tube taped down so it doen't tug as much. No pain other than the tugging from the stitch. So. . . lest you guys think I'm a total nut job, "THE DRAIN" and I will peacefully coexist together until next Tuesday. Now this is a piece of equipment that could also use a name, something like "Bane the Drain" as in the bane of my existance. But on the other hand, one of my neighbors is a cardiologist, another an opthamologist, and a third is a plastic surgeon. Surely, I could get one of those lovely gents to do the deed for me tomorrow afternoon after the neighborhood association meeting? Haha -JUST KIDDING! Besides they'd probably charge me for it! Anyway, just venting. I had hickory grilled salmon cooked out on the grill this evening for dinner. I HIGHLY recommend it, if you like salmon. I put dill and just a touch of butter on it and grilled it loosely wrapped in foil. The flavor was fantastic and the salmon is so soft and easy to chew well and swallow. And just importantly, salmon has 22g of protein in a 3oz. serving. I'm trying some of Susan Maria Leach's recipes for soft foods next! Hope all is well with everyone this morning. My movie is over so I best get to bed. Kellie, you crack me up!!!!! -Paige
on 6/19/04 6:22 pm - Atlanta, GA
Okay I am feeling your pain. I had a drain in for 2 weeks and it was suppose to be for 4 weeks. I made an appt early and they took it out thank goodness. I was not going a month like that. Mine would pull and I also had real bad muscle spasms also. So it would pull in real hard and I would have to try and tuck it out so it didn't tear my skin anymore. I hate the drain. The worst part of my recovery. So I can relate. I am glad it's out on tuesday for you. You will feel like a new person without it I promise. Oh and they had to deflate the balloon inside before tugging it out and it didn't hurt at all. Just a funny feeling. NAT
on 6/20/04 4:58 am - Bogart, GA
Thanks for the support Nat!! I'm so glad you're better!!! -Paige
on 6/19/04 10:49 pm - AR
I feel your pain! I had my drain in for 2 weeks (from my WLS) and hated it, but let me tell you it could be worse..... I had my gallbladder removed (May 21st ), ended up with an infection pocket and yes another drain, but this time it was in my back, yes in my back. I could not sit, lay or do anything comfortably. I had that one in for 2 weeks also and the best feeling was getting it out (it has been out a week and life is so much better)!!! I had to lay on it because I could not lay on my side because it pulled too much and I could not lay on my tummy because I had 4 incisions from my lap gallbladder surgery. So see so there is a bright side to this, hang in there after Tuesday it will be a distant memory.......... Hazel
on 6/20/04 5:03 am - Bogart, GA
Hazel thank you for your support also. Sounds like you had a rough time of it yourself. Tuesday is only two days away now so I'm pretty sure I'll live. Thanks again. -Paige
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