Has time stopped?

on 6/16/04 3:25 am - Atlanta, GA
I am so happy that some of our regular posters, like Tonya and Kelle, are rapidly approaching their surgery days! Unfortunately, time for me seems to have stopped. Will July 1st ever get here? This is the day for my first appt. with Dr. Hart. If I'm this anxious for this first visit, I can only imagine how ugly it's going to be waiting through all the tests and insurance approval time.
Kelle W
on 6/16/04 4:01 am - Atlanta, GA
Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry time has slowed to a crawl for you! I do know how you feel. You should see my extremely whiny profile postings about how long it took my surgeon's office get me a date. I was ready to bribe them with baked goods, whatever it took. I have never been a patient person. So what did I do? I killed time by shopping! That's right, nothing makes time fly like spending some money. I went ahead and purchased everything I could, including vitamins, supplements, extra pillows...girl I went crazy. Maybe that therapy would work for you? Kelle
on 6/16/04 5:39 am - Atlanta, GA
How did I know you would respond? Thanks! I might try the shopping approach. I have been trying out different protein shakes. I also got one of the shaved ice makers, and I'm having fun trying out diff. SF syrups.
Kelle W
on 6/16/04 8:00 am - Atlanta, GA
I just bought one of those shaved ice things as well. What syrups are your using? I have some of those DaVinci syrups, I'd like to know what you've tried that works....with the protein drinks as well! Kelle
on 6/16/04 11:52 pm - Atlanta, GA
I got my SF Davinci syrups from VitaLady. So far, I have Peppermint Patty, Amaretto, and a Spice Blend. I may already be addicted to the Amaretto one! I have ordered Chocolate, Banana, and Coconut. Banana popsicles are my favorite, but I couldn't find a SF brand, so this will be wonderful. When I was weight-training before, my trainer had me drinking 2 protein shakes a day. I learned that if I bought the vanilla flavored, I could add pretty much any flavor I wanted to using extracts. However, if you start with a chocolate base, my choices seemed more limited. I'm really hoping the Spice Blend syrup with vanilla protein mix will taste like Chai tea!
(deactivated member)
on 6/16/04 4:17 am - Warner Robins, GA
Oh Catherine I felt the very same way. Bu****ch out girl the ride will speed up before you know it. I started passing the time by getting my closets, old clothes, yard, garage, etc in order and thank GOD I did it back then b/c I definately don't have the time to do it now. Make a list of all the things you would like to get done before your surgery and try to take on a task or two a day or wee****il you are finished and then it will be your time will be here! Or you can just keep the GA board company...I know I enjoy hearing from you Hugs! TOnya
on 6/16/04 6:14 am - Bogart, GA
You will be so surprised how quickly it goes. My process took from Jan. 7th for my application review to June 9th for surgery. I thought it would drag on forever there for a while, but as soon as that approval goes through the world starts rotating in overdrive. I am one week out and feeling great. You'll be here before you know it!! -Paige
on 6/16/04 6:28 am - GA
I know exactly how you feel. Took me forever to make the decision to have WLS and now that I have I want everything done yesterday. I have a hard time understanding why the doctors offices don't know that "I am the only patient, therefore, everything should be done by now". LOL. Anyway, may you be blessed with whatever you need. Hugs, Theresa
Pam S.
on 6/16/04 9:22 am - Lawrenceville, GA
Yep. I know that feeling well. I researched this surgery for almost a year before making my decision to have it. When I thought everything was a go ... there was one more test that had to be done. Finally, when all of my paperwork was in order and submitted it seemed like no time that I had my date. I had my surgery on 3/29 and have lost a total of 62 lbs. to date (some prior to surgery). I have had not the first complication and I feel great!! Keep your head up and above all, keep reaching for your goal. The end result is worth it! Pam
Jimmys S.
on 6/16/04 12:26 pm - Warner Robins, GA
It felt like forever for me to have my consulation appt but it did finally get here and time began moving again. I think that as soon as I know that they are sending for approval will stop time again. Keep the faith and know that it is all coming for you!!! Sunshine Kim
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