Ins Pending....
Okay so now BCBS HMO shows my info in the system and I am in the "Pending" stage..... So we will wait and see... Even though the wait is kiling me and depressing the crap out of me..... But I am praying and have my fingers crossed that this is the right time in my life for this!!!
Hugs to everyone!

I've got my own little BCBS HMO insured fingers crossed for you! I'm over here in Snellville just beginning the investigation of this surgery. At this point I'm leaning towards the lapband with Steinberg.
I just got off the phone with those little charmers at BCBS HMO of Ga. Sure wish I could get the same lady every time. She was just way too helpful. I hate this referral junk.
This time next week you will be posting ....****I'm Approved***!!!!!
Hugs Storm
Storm, I so hope next week I am singing the approved song and doing the happy dance!@!! I don't know if you have heard the rumor about BCBS HMO in GA stopping coverage effective Jan 1 2005. If you are just starting your journey.... Get to rolling... Don't sweat the referral stuf... It is all a matter of the office chick filling out the right paper... Goodluck and I will post as soon as I know something. Thanks for the words of encouragment
No I hadn't heard that BCBS was changing in 2005. I better hurry up. So far I've got the appt to do the first meeting with the doctors (the info meeting I guess, the ones they schedule 2 times a month). That's in 2 weeks. I've called my primary and got a referral for a sleep study doctor visit and have called to get an appointment for that but haven't received a return call to set up appt yet. What else can I do now ? I'm not really even sure of what my doctor (Steinberg at this point) requires.
Hugs Storm