Yum! Minute Maid Light lemonaid!

Kelle W
on 6/9/04 5:09 am - Atlanta, GA
Hey guys, I just had to pass this along. In case you haven't tried the new Minute Maid light lemonaid, let me tell you, it's excellent! I am one of those people who can't stand the taste of anything that's artificially sweetened. Seriously, if it tastes even a little off I can't stand it. This stuff tastes as good as regular lemonaid. Apparently there are a couple of other flavors other than the regular lemonaid but I haven't tried them yet. Just wanted to let ya'll know! Kelle
on 6/9/04 5:39 am - GA
Kelle, Thanks for letting us know. I haven't tried it yet but I will get some this weekend. I really appreciate all the reviews on different things to try as it makes it easier for those of us just being our journey. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 6/9/04 7:04 am - GA
Thanks for the tip. I am trying different drinks because I have been addicted to Diet Coke for years, its probably in my veins! The country time pink lemonade is pretty good too. Shawnna
on 6/9/04 8:00 am - Cartersville, GA
The other flavors are even better. If you put them in the freezer for maybe an hour and then squeeze the sides of the bottle, it gets a little slushy. Angie
on 6/9/04 8:22 am - Rincon, GA
I tried this lemonade (I am 4 weeks post-op) and it hurt like hell. For some reason after surgery this product probably had too much acid for me. It did not agree with my pouch at all. Right after surgery your esophagus and pouch are very tender and some drinks like lemonade do not go down well at all. Maybe they will be better for me later. Just wanted to let you know.
Kelle W
on 6/9/04 9:02 am - Atlanta, GA
Thanks for the heads up Lisa, I'm sure this would be an issue for me postop since it's already almost too acidic for me now. I have to be careful how much of it I drink or I'll end up with a stomach ache. I don't know if it's from the lemon or the artificial sweeteners (which sometimes do a number on my tummy)! But it sure is good and for someone like me who's trying to get off of caffeine it's a great alternative to ALL THE DANG WATER! Kelle
on 6/9/04 11:35 am - Jonesboro, GA
jus****er it down post op. It shouldn't be too bad. Our taste buds are going to be dead anyway.
on 6/9/04 8:45 pm - Conyers, GA
Kelle I actually tried this the other day, and you are right it is super yummy !! i had mine at the Atlanta Bread Company and it was good with ice so mabey mine did ge****ered down by the time i drank since you know you have to wait 30 mins after you eat LOL Laura
on 6/10/04 1:22 pm - Peachy State, GA
Hey Kelle, I have heard of this but I have not tried it yet. I love lemonade so I will be trying it tomorrow. Good looking out. Shondra
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