Long time no see, but all is well.....

on 6/9/04 3:47 am - Germany, Germany
6-9-04 It has been a very long time since i posted, but i wanted to thank everyone for you prays. I am doing well after completing 6 months of chemo and 6 weeks of radition. Both cancers are in remission and i feel pretty good. I am experiencing some minor side affect from those treatments, but i have life so I can't complain. I've lost about 15 more pounds but many inches i'm down another size. I'm about to begin the process of preparing for the surgery, still with Dr. Hart I have to get medically cleared first by all my other doctors. Then the games will begin, I'm hoping by September of this year and then to have surgery by Christmas that would be the best present I could ever ask for. I now live in the Douglasville area so if anyone would like to chat please drop me a email at [email protected], until then continue to be blessed and healthy.
on 6/9/04 4:17 am - GA
So glad you posted and doing better. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please continue to post your progress. Blessings and Hugs, Theresa
on 6/9/04 8:26 am - Rincon, GA
I enjoyed reading your profile. You have been through a lot and I admire you very much for it. I pray that your cancer will finally be gone and that you can get your weight loss surgery. Nice to meet you!!!
on 6/14/04 6:16 am - Germany, Germany
Thanks for your support i would love to chat via phone if thats okay because my computer at home has died. Here are my numbers 770-363-6006 cell home 770-577-8580. Congrads to both you and your son. I hope to hear from you soon. take care Joi
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