information please?

Donnie ..
on 6/8/04 2:22 pm - GA
can someone share with me a nutritionist and psyhiatrist in northern Georgia that they used so that I may have these things in hand for my first visit to Dr.Duncan
on 6/8/04 10:51 pm - GA
Dawn, I don't have any info about people in the N. GA area. Mine were in Central GA, but I had to post and wish you all the best on your wls journey. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
Wind W.
on 6/9/04 12:15 am - GA
I can't recommend one in N. GA, but I can tell you that Dr. Duncan has psychiatrists and nutritionist he uses. I can tell you that he sends everyone over to the Wellness Center for a Nutrition and Exercise class. The cost is a 100$ and my insurance did not cover it. But, it was well worth the hundred dollars. I learned so much about what life will be like post-op. You know how people on here ask "What can I eat post op?" "What are full liquids? and on and on? That won't happen to you as Dr. Duncan's patient. The Dietician gives you a huge notebook filled with everything you need post op. What to eat. What to drink. You are given full lists of everything. Imagine a thick three ring binder filled with everything you need to know about post op nutrition. Along with the nutrition consult the fitness trainer goes over working out and talks with you about staying motivated to exercise and how to begin exercising. The consult I went to was very fun actually; the people in my group were very nice. There were only about 8 of us in the group. I would definitely recommend that you go to the nutrition consult at the wellness center. You will be glad you did.
on 6/9/04 1:41 am - Hawkinsville, GA
Does this actually count as the nutritional consulatation for insurance or just an additional thing that Dr. Duncan requires? Robin
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