Off to ins...nervous

on 6/7/04 7:29 am - Jonesboro, GA
Well, I called BCBS POS office today and they received the information on Friday. They said they are still looking at it, I hope they don't lose. Some people have had a really hard time with this insurance company and it makes me nervous. I am ready to have this surgery tomorrow if I had to and will be so agitated if this insurance is going to deny me. I hope things go well and I can do my little happy dance. I am just really excited anyway. So I guess I will let my positive thoughts ring out loud and just jump for now because I have made it this far. Maybe they will get cartwheels on here to!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luck to all! Holly
on 6/7/04 7:50 am - GA
Holly, I am still waiting for my paperwork to be sent to my insurance company and am nervous too. However, have faith my fellow wls friend for everything works out for a reason. Know that God is handling this and will not close a door without opening another one. Let your postive light shine through and try not to dwell on the negative. I pray that you get your approval very shortly. Keep calling you insurance and let us know. Hugs and blessings, Theresa
Kelle W
on 6/7/04 8:43 am - Atlanta, GA
Yah!!!! They finally mailed off your paperwork. It's about time! I guess that means you finally got the letter from your psycologist. I would hate to have had to bail you out of jail for assaulting a physician so I'm glad they got on the ball with that Hang in there with BCBS. I hope they don't do you like they did me. Do you have copies of everything that was sent to them? That way if they say they didn't get part of it you can get it to them yourself? Let us know as soon as you hear something! Kelle
on 6/7/04 9:14 am - GA
Holly, I've got fingers and toes crossed for you. Hang in there. You have a lot of support here!!!! Patti
Carrie R.
on 6/7/04 10:31 am - Gainesville, GA
Holly, I will keep my fingers crossed and say an extra prayer for you!!!!!! Try to remember that God wants to give us the desires of our hearts, I'm sure everything will work out just fine!!!! Good Luck, Carrie
(deactivated member)
on 6/7/04 12:00 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Holly, Big hugs!!! I have fingers and toes crossed and said a prayer for you!! Deep won't be much longer! Tonya
on 6/7/04 12:03 pm - Jonesboro, GA
Thank you all for the support, as soon as I know I will post.
on 6/7/04 9:07 pm - Conyers, GA
Holly Well i have everything crossed and keeping you in my prayers so you can get approved on the first go around !!!! I just know you will get this with no issues and i will be waiting for your update of your surgery date !! Laura
Rebecca W.
on 6/8/04 11:39 am - Cleveland, GA
Holly, I am in the same boat. bcbs of alabama got my info on friday and know i wait. i will keep you in my prayers and all is crossed for you. If you are like me, i hate the waiting game. It is definatly a virtue i do not have. Prayers Rebecca
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