Read an Amazing Book Last Night
After reading your post I went to Borders and bought When Food is Love and Feeding the Hungry Heart. I was struggling with issues around my head hunger after surgery (I am 12 days post-op) and feelings of resentment whenever my husband ate anything normal in front of me. I wasn't hungry because I had filled my pouch to full so I knew it was something else. That book has really made an impact on me and I want to thank you for posting it on the boards. I read the entire thing in one day, and I am re-reading it now. The surgery will help me limit the amount of food I eat, but it won't fix the amount of hurt I have hidden with food all my life. Geneen Roth's book will hopefully help me come face to face with some serious issues and move forward. I also intend on meeting with a therapist once a week to help me work it all out, since I can't eat whatever I want when I want it as Roth advises.
Thanks again!