Hey guys!
Sorry I have been so noticeably absent from the board recently. We have been so busy here on the farm. I'm at work by 7:00 and usually home around 9:00-10:00 at night.
Just wanted to give you all an update on my progress. I was wearing size 50 pants just a month ago... I fit into a pair of 44 jeans and shorts yesterday!!
They were a little SNUG, but I fit into those d@mn things!!
I missed my one month check-up appointment today because I just didn't have the time to spend a whole day in Atlanta. I am going to call Shona tomorrow and reschedule... so anyone who was at Dr. Duncan's today for their one month check-up, I'm not dead, just busy as all get out!!!
I was able to check the status of a few regulars on here and I am glad to see a few of you have gotten approval and a date to boot. Keep fighting the good fight, it's worth it.
I am also able to eat anything that I want. I have been eating a protein bar for breakfast and having a Boost energy drink during breaks. I have found that all that protein gives me alot of energy when I need it.
I got my pictures developed from the hospital and I can REALLY tell how much weight I have lost. I will scan them tonight and hopefully they will be on my profile in a few days. In about a month I am going to take some after shots and get them on there as well so you can all see how I am progressing.
I hope to be back on here as soon as we are though with blueberry season. Keep in touch and I will holler at you all later!!
God Bless!!!

Well dont worrie you did not miss anything at your one month visit besides getting weighed and makeing your next three appoiments ....So dont stress over that ....And you are doing wonderful !!! Be sure to drink your water while you are out in the fields !!! it can get hot out there !!!!
keep up the good work ....

Joe, hey bud! Its been a while! I m so happy for you to hear that you are doing so well! Keep up the good work! I m down to bout 50#s since surgery and about 90 total! Im trying to get used to the smaller size clothes but I catch myself still looking at the old sizes lol! Just wanted to say hey and let you know that all is going well! Take care! Kerri