on 6/3/04 12:12 am - SMYRNA, GA
Hello: I am 53 years old and thinking about having the surgery. I plan to go see a new doctor on Monday, June 7th for a check and ask her if she thinks I could get this approved by my insurance company, Aetna HMO. I am about 150 lbs over weight with no health problems, except for shortness of breath climbing stairs, and not sleeping well at night. I was wondering if I could get approved with not such a big medical problem. Thank you for your time. If I don't loose this weight, I don't think I will be able to qualify for insurance. Thanks GAPEACH
on 6/3/04 2:20 am - GA
Mary, Welcome and Good luck on the start of your journey! You currently feel you don't have any other problems, however in your pre-testing phase you may find other conditions that will help you be considered more of a candidate in your insurer's eyes. I also was not sleeping well and was very tired during the day. I was surprised to find that I had sleep apnea! Obesity in itself should be considered enough of a medical problem to qualify for the surgery, but until our insurer's see it that way, some people have to qualify based on other or additional health problems. Good luck on your visit to your PCP. I also have an HMO program and it makes it tougher, but not impossible. You will find a lot of support and information here should you have any questions or problems. Good journey! Patti
on 6/3/04 3:05 am - SMYRNA, GA
Thanks Patti for your information. I will keep you in touch with what the decision is. I just was thinking about this surgery in the past week since I am having a hard time with portion control when I am on a diet. I exercise, try to eat very healthy, but for some reason I have a bottomless pit. So many if I get this surgery that I can reframe from eating too much. I hope this new doctor I plan to see will recommend to my insurance that I get this surgery. Anyway, thanks again. Mary
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