Just got approval for surgery from Medicare
Hi Everyone,
I have been working on qualifying for this surgery for 2 yrs. I finally got approval from Medicare. I am a 55 yr old female and have been obese all of my adult life. I am so new and dont have a clue as to what to do now. I am waiting for the Dr.'s office to set up my tests. I am a little concerned about my nutritional training. The paperwork I recieved from Emory Bariatric Clinic says that the nutritionist will cost $180 that will not be refundable by insurance. Does anyone know anything about that? I live on social security disability income as I have several disabling conditions and use a power wheelchair to get around. So, on my fixed income it will be impossible for me to pay that up front. Does anyone know where else I might be able to get the counseling for less or at no cost? Even a website on the diet after surgery would be helpful. I am looking forward to meeting and sharing with you all. Hope you are having a good week.
Congratulations on your approval!!
I hope that one day soon you can come out of that wheelchair!! I also hope you can find a way to get the nutritionist to accept Medicare. I know there is a website you can go into called fitday.com that lists the nutritional value of foods and where you can record what you eat. Best wishes and prayers on your new journey. I will be 50 this year - and I figure - Better Late than Never!!!