Lurkers- I know you're there!
Hey Pam! I do recall seeing you post here & there. It's always good to see successful patients of Dr Duncan.....especially since he will be my surgeon(and his assoc)
57lbs is great!! I am so happy to hear that you have come through without complications. Hearing others successes always gives that much more confidence in my decision to move forward. So keep us updated on your progress!
Thanks for posting!
Hey everyone...another Kelly here. Ive only known about OH for about 2 months and this is what i have quickly becum addicted to. I dont post much but I do read atleast once a day. Im 38 years old, live in locust grove and in this process, i am upset about this right now. You see my PCP wrote a great clearance letter but included one statement. he put in there that I had to have cardiac clearance first. Well thank god that I went to heart dr recently and go back tomorrow for results of stress test and echocardiogram. Well actually I dont know how to feel...cause if something is worng with my heart then no surgery. And out money for everything else that ive had to go through. This is the only other thing i need for everything to be submitted to insurance co. Sorry this greeting got so long but i needed to vent. thanks, Kelly
Hey Kelly! Said a prayer and my finger are crossed that your tests come out ok. It's always best to know if there is a possible problem before going into this surgery. I have heard many stories at my support group how the pre-testing saved many people's life from medical problems they had no idea they had! One man discovered he had a cancerous mass! They were able to remove it and then he was able to proceed with his surgery later down the line.
So lets give thanks for the opportunity to have a full body check up before we have this life changing surgery!
Good luck and keep us posted!
Good Evening. I like so many above, I am also addicted to OH. I typically lurk every evening. It is so bad that I put my computer in the kitchen so I can be online, cook, and have dinner with the kids at the dinner table. Its good to know that I am in such good company. I am 34, married, and have started getting my paperwork together for insurance approval. My Surgeon will be Dr. Duncan.
Hey Shamim,
I have to say you have a beautiful smile! I am addicted to this site too...betcha never would've guessed!LOL
It's good to see so many of Dr. Duncan's patients on this site. I have read your journal several times
DOes it surprise you when people say they read your journal? It does me! LOL
Keep us posted!

Hi all1
Lets see. My name is Lisa and I live in Rockmart, GA. I am 9 months out from surgery and at goal of 132 pounds! I am 35, married and have 2 great children age 15 and one will be 10 on June 21st. I read the boards alot, but don't post very often. I am also in the process of getting some pictures e-mailed in to be posted. Nice to meet everyone!
Hey Lisa!! I do recall seeing your posts here & there also.
Congrats on being at goal!! I can't wait to say that too!
I look forward to seeing your pictures!! I love to look at pictures! Everyone elses that is.LOL
I keep seeing that June 21st date pop-up here...I may have to play those numbers "621"LOL I rarely play but maybe it's a sign!
Post more often!
Hi there - you know me by now. I love this message board because it answers all of my questions. I am three weeks post op and down about 28 lbs. - surgery the same day as my son Andrew 21 - who is down about 33 lbs. I am very thrilled to have had the surgery and I cannot believe that I am not hungry anymore!!!!! I used to eat so so much and now I am not interested. That in itself is a miracle to me. I hope this lasts. Blessings to all wls patients who "lurk" in this board.