Please gang ???????????

Debbie K.
on 5/29/04 10:46 am - Beech Island, SC
My surgery with Dr. Gooden is 6/1, & I am counting the hours. I do NOT have an ANGEL.....anyone interested in volunteering? Right now I feel very calm, almost scary since I backed out of this surgery in 1999 with another surgeon, was scared to death. I'd love to hear from those of you who've recently had "it" & how you're doing. I have a wedding to go to 12 days after surgery, 70 miles from home, husband will be driving of course. Please send me some notes, I need to know what I'm in store for. Thanks & God Bless You ALL.
on 5/29/04 11:14 am - Newnan, GA
Hi Debbie, I'm 5 days post-op and am doing great. I was nervous until the anesthesia knocked me out! I have been walking a lot, sipping my liquids and actually started the full liquids today whi*****lude thinned grits, instant potatos etc. The hardest thing has been the bloating/gas which is finally starting to subside. Next would be the inability to sleep on my side. I think I will be able to do that either tonight or tomorrow though. As far as the wedding, that depends on whether you or open or lap. If lap, I think by then you will be good to go since most people can go back to work after 2 weeks (no heavy lifting that is.) You will do great! Vince
on 5/30/04 3:50 am - Mcdonough, GA
Hey Debbie, I am 5 days out and am very surprised at how well I am doing. I was fully expecting and prepared to die. Imagine my delight when I woke up in pain....can't be dead AND in pain. I kept asking the nurses did the surgery 'take', because I couldn't believe how well I was doing. They all told me that I was normal, that 99.9% of all patients do this well. I guess I had been focusing on all the negativity. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not out dancing the night away. I'm sore, my legs are cramping from overdoing it, I tend to eat too fast, too much and get sick. I'm not drinking my water like I'm supposed to, and I'm dizzy because of it. All things I know how to fix. This website is a blessing. I've gotten so much good advice from it. My advice to you: sleep in a recliner at night if you have one have all your food purchased prior to having surgery sugar free popcicles are great for a sore throat, and you can get a little water in the same time walk, but slowly, on a level road, a mall would be great, Air conditioned!!! as far as the wedding goes, I'm not 12 days out so I don't know how I'll be feeling. The drive would bother me I think. Take a pillow and put it over your tummy and under the seat beat. Allow plenty of time to get there so you don't speed. I would hate to think how a car accident could really mess things up. If you are not up to going, don't. You are not the bride. So it's not like it can't happen without you. People will understand. My surgeon likened this procedure to open heart surgery. If people don't understand, then, well.....that's their problem. You are doing this for you. And you will be fine. Just do what your doctor and nurses tell you to do. Let's us know how you are doing. Kerry
Debbie K.
on 5/30/04 11:18 am - Beech Island, SC
Kerry, Thanks so much for the info. Like you, I just want to wake up & feel the pain. I cannot believe I'm so calm right now. Scared of ANY "procedures" Your letter is great inspiration & you are a Blessed Angel to write me. I'll try my best to let you know how I did. BTW, who was your surgeon?
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