To Molly C. & others about head hunger
Molly, whose is your doctor? Those of us that had Dr. Burrowes don't have a 'drain'. Maybe it's because he prefers to do 'open' procedures. All I have is about a 3 inch opening(scar) just below my boobs. The Doc. and nurses told me NOT to shower, sponge baths only. Yeah, RIGHT!!! There is something refreshing about having water running over your body. I know it's psychological, but it just feels cleaner and there for I feel better. Oh well, it sounds like you've got bathing worked out for you. Kuddos to your Hubby for helping.
As far as what I'm eating.....well....I'm too embarrassed to say. Plus, once my friends read this, I'll get a ration of crap. But here goes anyway....last night I ate a piece of bread, mayo and cheese. It was SO good. I cut the crusts off, and went very light with the mayo. I took my time in eating it (20 min. maybe). I get very bored very easily with food. Plus, all the commericals are not helping. My head hunger will be what does me in...hence, the modified cheese sandwich. I was fully expecting and (crazy, I know) hoping to actually get sick. I thought that if I got sick, it might cure my head hunger. NO such luck. I did, however, eat a half of a banana this morning too fast, and it came back up. I've mostly been eating SF popsickles. I did fix some runny mashed potatos for dinner tonight. I've been serving myself in a 1/4 cup measuring cup. Not the most appetizing, but it allows me to measure what I'm eating. I know my pouch is larger than what the doctor told me. He said it was about an ounce. I think a 1/4 of a cup is 2 ounces. I honestly think I could eat more, but I haven't risked it yet.
I haven't done any protein drinks yet. The ones I have taste so bad, the very thought of them makes me queasy. Besides, my excuse is, my doctor hasn't told me to start them yet. I'm sure, however, if he knew about my little cheese sandwich.......
Take care and keep in touch.
Oh, we have a new rule in our house, anytime a food commercial comes on, the station is changed!!!!!!!!!!!!