I was denied yesterday by Aetna beacuse they didn't see evidence that I stayed on a diet for 6 months in conjunction with a dietician. I was really hurt this morning when I called Aetna and the CSR told me that I was denied, I couldn't even hear the reason because I was crying. I tried to wait until I got off the phone but I just couldn't hold it in. I just want to crawl under a rock and stay there all weekend. It's crazy beacuse I have been going to this weight loss doctor along with my PCP since June 2002 and I weighted in once every month for 5 months consectively and then in 2003 I weighted in 6 months consectively, which I included the ledger showing the dates I weight in and my weight. I have already started writing my appeal letter. If anyone has a good sample of an appeal please help.
Thanks you guys for letting me vent you guys are wonderful as always.
Thanks Lisa, I kind of knew it, but I didn't want to claim it. I had already seen several post from other members being denied by Aetna, but I just kept telling myself, that won't happen to me, but it did. I just couldn't believe after all my hard work I was still denied. I am just so hurt right now.
My heart is breaking for you. Don't give up though we may be overweight but we can still fight!!! This is just yet another hurdle we must face. You have the support of all of us because we are all taking this journey together. Vent all you want, I for one will be here to listen. When you are ready get your facts together and swift kick whomever you need to to get the ball rolling again. Sometimes they (insurance companies) wait to see how hard someone works for and pushes something before paying. Cause they don't have to pay if someone just gives up and stops trying. (Please note that I said sometimes, not all are like that but persistence does payoff) I will keep you in prayer. Best Wishes, Theresa