Gossip Folks

Cricket J.
on 5/26/04 12:39 pm - Atlanta, GA
Okay, there was a post early about how people make comments they shouldn't. Well, I was just wondering for those who had surgery, did you tell everyone? I really don't want anybody at work in my business one because a lot of people need to lose weight but choose not to have surgery and thats their choice but if I say that I'm having WLS hear comes everybody and their 2 cents Don't want it So if you didn't tell anybody...what did you say when you were not at work than came back 30/50 pounds later? Now don't get me wrong I don't care if they know after the fact but I really don't discuss all my business at work anyways. IT'S MINE. As a matter a fact when I get approved and get a date I plan on taking more time then most, if possible and find another job. MY JOB IS VERY STRESSFUL, AND I'M NOT BEING PAID WHAT I'M WORTH!!! Sorry that's a whole different story, had to vent. Anybody wanna hire me around Sept/Oct. it was worth a shot
(deactivated member)
on 5/26/04 1:04 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Monique, I have also chose not to tell my co-workers and my friends about the surgery. I decided after I confided in a "friend" and got negative remarks constantly. She started sending me e-mails asking if I was still ahving this God awful surgery and sending my articles about people dying...blah, blah, blah. I sat g-friend straight though. I just don't have the enrgy right now to educate these people on the positive side of WLS. So I am in the same boat and not sure what I will say when they start asking about my weight-loss. I'm thinking something like....."Don't hate...Congratulate!"LOL
(deactivated member)
on 5/26/04 1:05 pm - Warner Robins, GA
ps- did you get the two e-mails I sent you? One with the diet history? Tonya
Cricket J.
on 5/27/04 6:39 am - Atlanta, GA
Yes I did, Thank you very much!!!
on 5/26/04 2:24 pm - columbus, ga
Any one who knows me , knows i have a REALLY big mouth, i tell every one who will listen , and if they like it fine,if they dont then, i dont care and i dont pay them any attention and if i have recieved any negitive comments other than from friends being concerned, it has been behind my back and i dont know it..... If you can do hair, you can have a job girly kiwani
on 5/26/04 7:55 pm - Conyers, GA
Let's see ..i think i told the people i kinda know at work before i went out ...since i got very excited about it the week before but they did not know until like two days before ...my plan was to tell everyone i was getting my gall bladder out since it is about a two week time period that you have to be out ...But alot of people like my mothers freinds and and stuff did not know and then i tell them i have lost 30 pounds and they are like how ...then i tell them ......but a different surgery is a good excuse too Laura
on 5/26/04 10:21 pm - GA
Hubby has been involved in my research from Day 1. Because of my reasoning and how I approached it, he is extremely supportive. One of my sons and his wife live with us, so of course they knew I was pursuing it. They also were very supportive because they see daily the pain I have to go through. But like Tonya, I confided in a close friend thinking she would be a great champion for my cause, but was shocked at the negativity I received. This was the first person I told, and I was excited to tell her, but the first thing she said is "Why go to such an extreme. All you have to do is diet and exercise!" It hurt my feelings so that I didn't want to share with anyone else. So I decided to stick with immediate family. I told my MIL on Mother's Day and she was so excited she jumped up and hugged my neck! She told the rest of the family that day (I didn't mind - she was almost more excited than me) and they were so very happy for my decision. Until my Mom. She wasn't happy at all. It took a while before I could call her again to discuss it because I was so upset. Not like I could drop in and talk to her over coffee - she is over 1000 miles away. But the decision was mine to make. My hubby is my very best friend, we discussed everything - we've been married for almost 26 years. So when I do tell someone of my decision, it is that it was my decision to make, I am not asking their opinion or their permission. If they start with the negativity I cut them off and tell them that I have researched it thoroughly, I understand the pros and cons, I have weighed my decision carefully, and this is what I felt was necessary for me. It was a decision that I chose to share with them and if they don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all. I don't need the negativity, and I don't need for it to pray on my mind. I have made this personal decision and wish to share it. Besides, I have all the support I need in my hubby and from the wonderful people on this and other WLS websites. Best of luck to you. Keep your chin up. Don't let anyone get you down or feel like you are a failure for making this decision. Patti
on 5/26/04 10:58 pm - GA
I also have choose not to tell people at work. This is a private matter that has nothing to do with work. After the fact when they notice the loss then I will be happy to share, in fact I dream about taking an ad out in the local papers just to show all of those people that through my life have made fun of and hurt my feelings regarding my weight. But then I have come to realize that it was because of those experiences that I have become the person I am today (who is good other than being very overweight). This surgery is for ME, it will benefit all those that love me as it will give me a quality of life that I have not had since I was 6 years old but it is our decision who we choose to tell before and after. Best wishes and prayers to you, Theresa
on 5/27/04 1:01 am - Jonesboro, GA
Monique, I told NO one on my job, it's none of their business. When I submitted my request to be off work for medical reasons the question was asked for what? I gave them if looks could kill look. Anyone that know me, know not to approach me about my business, I did get one nosey person, whom came up to me and said, I'm sorry you won't be having anymore babies. what the h... Honey I let her have it. I don't make friends at work. I'm there to do my job and go home. I found out that if you mind your business at work things go a lot smoother. In my line of work it all about politics. Mrs~Jackson
Siddy I.
on 5/27/04 1:41 am - Savage, MN
Monique~ I didnt want to tell folks at work what I was thinking about doing. I told one lady who I thought was a good friend that I was thinking about it. She told me she would support anything I wanted to do. That is until she found out that I REALLY was going to do it. Then she told EVERYONE about the surgery and tried to get people to talk me out of it. The cat was out of the bag then. Needless to say after I heard several negative comments from her I put an end to that "friendship" If you dont want to tell, dont. When they ask about your weight less, tell them you are on a high protein low carb diet. That will be the truth. Take care and good luck. Sidney
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