Support Group near Athens

Feeling L.
on 5/26/04 9:39 am - Comer, GA
On June 3rd at 6:30 PM there will be a support group meeting at the YMCA in Winder, Ga. The guy that I spoke to today said that if they get enough to attend that it will be a regular thing there. I hope that all of you near Winder can attend. If you need directions, please just e-mail me and I will send them to you if you will let me know where you will be coming from. I hope to see you there, Alli D.
Sheila M.
on 5/28/04 11:13 am - Athens, GA
That sounds great to me! Who is in charge of the new support group? I hope there is enough interest. Who is your doctor Alli? How far along are you in the WLS process? Sheila
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