on 5/25/04 2:11 pm - Peachy State, GA
Hello I need help. I have to lose 10-15 pounds before surgery. I'm still in the approval process, but I have to lose weight before surgery. I can't focus right now it is so hard. The insurance is sending me through hurdles, but I will continue to jump these hurdles, but it's so hard to concentrate on anything else. Any suggestions as far as a good diet that will help me. I really have to lose this weight or my surgery will be cancelled. I know it's a mind thing, but I really need help. Thanks in advance, you guys always come through for me. Shondra
on 5/25/04 7:29 pm - Conyers, GA
Shondra Well the only thing i can say is right before my pre op visit i did an all protine diet like two weeks before i am did pretty well on that ..But i was not about to DIET and give up my freind before i had too ....i think they are crazy for making us lose that weight...but what can you do .. Laura
on 5/25/04 8:45 pm - duluth, GA
I may not be of any help. I guess I just have to vent, am I right or wrong . We are all having this surgery to lose the weight. We have a problem with dieting and losing weight. So can some one please tell me why do the Dr.s make us worry ourselves to death before surgery trying to do risky things to lose. I had the same problem. My Dr. wanted me to lose 50lbs. I said 50lbs.If I could do that consistantly on my own. I would not need the surgery. I need the tool. To say the least I changed Dr.. It was a change for the better. My new doctor has operated on patients much larger than me. With no complications. So I am off my vent now. Just try to stay focused. Try the starter for Atkins. I hear that it works wonders. Good Luck. Rita
on 5/26/04 11:44 am - Peachy State, GA
Rita, that is so true . My surgeon stated that losing the weight before surgery is suppose to shrink the liver. Shondra
on 5/26/04 11:41 am - Peachy State, GA
Thanks Laura , I think that is so true. Shondra
Angel Sellers
on 5/25/04 11:20 pm - Smyrna, Ga
Hi Shondra It is frustrating trying to get off those extra pounds prior to surgery, however, from the way my surgeon explained why he does it, it really does make sense. Some doctors do it because they want to know how serious you are to making this commitment and most of us have been able to lose some amount of weight in the past, just unable to maintain it. The other side of it is any decrease in your BMI does lower the risk of complications, especially with the laproscopic procedure. Dr. Champion expalined when you are actively reducing your weight, preferably on a low carb diet, it helps reduce the fat in your liver, which in turn enables your surgeon to do the procedure with more ease(since your liver is in such a central location in the abdomen). I am sure your surgeon just wants you to be @ the upmost best going in. As far as the diet, I did the Atkins diet & did really well. Everyone is different as to what they can stick to, but my surgeon wanted 30 lb gone & I managed 50 before my surgery date. I, like you, was frustrated @ first, however, now it was well worth it & I had what I now consider a head start. Since I was trying to lose quickly I kind of stayed on the induction phase of the diet because it is lower in carbs & initially you drop faster. Make sure you get in @ least 64 oz of H20 & go ahead & try to start doing some exercise. I was so out of shape I couldn't initially, but I would do little things like park further away or even walk extra in the supermarket since it was level & easier to do. If you need help on the Atkin's diet check out the website, it has some good info & recipes also. It is Well, I hope this has helped some. I am sure you will do just fine, just remember it wont be long before you are looking back on all of this & on your way to a new & healthier person. Feel free to email me if you need to talk or have any questions. I am by no means any expert, but I can @ least share my personal thoughts & experience. Best wishes & God Bless. Angel
on 5/26/04 11:50 am - Peachy State, GA
THanks Angel, my surgeon stated the same thing. I know I have to do this but I just can't stay focus for some reason right now. All I can concentrate on his the approval process and it's making feel just awful. I know I got to do this , but it's just so hard. I think I just need something to jump start my weight loss. Shondra
Carrie R.
on 5/26/04 7:50 am - Gainesville, GA
Shon, I would try the Atkins diet, It very high in protien and the induction phase will help with getting off the pounds.... I'm wanting to start it again so I'll have a head start and less to lose after surgery. You don't deprive yourself on this diet just can't eat certain foods!!!! Good Luck, I'm sure you'll do just fine, Try not to let it get you down Just know that it's something you Have to do!!!!!! Carrie
on 5/26/04 11:53 am - Peachy State, GA
Thanks Carrie, I will give Atkin's another try. I know in my mind that this is something I got to do but my body does not want to cooperate. Shondra
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