Update on my case
I find out today that my doctor's office never faxed over a letter stating that I came in for monthly weigh ins and they only documented them when I saw the doctor. All those other times when I just saw the nurse it was not documented on my chart. I spoke to my PCP's nurse last week who was working on the letter. Well I never heard back from her and then insurance denied my 1st level appeal. Today I find out from the nurse at Cigna they never got a letter from the PCP....
SOoooooooo I am waiting for another hour until their office reopens so I can call this nurse AGAIN and ask that it be faxed over! I am ready to scream!
Hey Tracy,
Sorry to hear that things aren't going that well. I wonder if these nurses and staffers at PCP's have any idea how much their carelessness affects bariatric patients. I hope that they will explain to Cigna that it was their fault and the insurance company will be understanding.
Keep us updated and you will be in our thoughts and prayers!!