My thoughts about my surgery experience!!!
I remember before my surgery I read, read, and read as many profiles and messages to try to get an idea of what this surgery would be like. Now, I am 3 days post op. I do not know if my case was normal, because my 21 year old son went through it and was a little sore. I am so glad he was with me because I had a few small complications and he was right there watching me like a hawk. I am thankful for that. I was not prepared for the surgery by reading all the profiles. I thought I would breeze in and breeze out with a little soreness. It was not like that for me. You are taken to this holding room and all the folks introduce themselves to you which does not lessen the nervousness until they give you something to calm you down. I remembered nothing else except waking up, but waking up was painful for me. The first day of surgery was painful for me and it was all I could do to get myself up and walk in the hospital. I was so sore. Day two was a little bit better except I ran a little fever and my oxygen was low. I had to have respiratory therapy. The first night out of the hospital I took a percoset and had a bad reaction to it. I was having jitters and heart palipations and Andrew was watching me because I woke up with nightmares. I stopped taking the percoset and I am doing better. I had to do a swallow to check for leaks which most people complain about but was not too bad for me. I guess what I want to say is that for me, this was a major surgery and I was not prepared for how I would feel. Little by little every day I am getting better. We just have to know what to expect going in. I would do it again however.
Hi Lisa,
I'm really glad to see you and Adrew and doing well and at home. I hate that you had some complications, but happy to see you are on the up swing. How did you like Emory/Dunwoody? I will be there with Dr. Champion next week. I can't wait to join you all on the losing side. I'm sure I'll see you sometime in the future. Keep us posted on your progress. I hope things continue to improve for you both daily.
Lisa, I'm so glad your feeling better. I heard that you called to check on me the night of my surgery. If that is true, then I think that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever did for me. I had the surgery May 11th and I went home May 15. I stay an extra day because they wanted to do an overnight pulse oximetry on me. As a nurse, I knew that extra day would probably help me anyway. I had the best of care. I could nt have ask for better nurses or staff. I hope you were treated the same way. Im back home in Rincon now. Im definately sore, feeling week and I kind of feel like HUMPTY DUMPTY trying to put myself back together again. LOL I think I was a little more prepared for the surgery but was not prepared for the water, vitamins and eating routine. I have since made myself a schedule to try and stay on just to get everything in. So far 64 oz is way out of the question for me. I guess everyone is different so we will see, as I progress along. Thanks to God and everyone's prayers for me, I hope to repay the kindness and wisdom that I encountered while I was a patient there. I go back to work in 3 weeks (June 1), so I have a lot of healing to do. I also suffered from nightmares from Lortabs and Darvocet, so Iam opting myself to forgo both of them. If Im really hurting I will use Tylenol. So far I have had to have any since yesterday.
At this point I cant really say I would do it again. My mind is just concentrating on getting better, probably when I start feeling better, my mind will move it that direction. Right now, IM just glad IM home. Everyday seems to be a blessing to me. Write me anytime. Michelle
I could not have said it better. I did the same thing...researched, and researched and read many profile. Nothing had me prepared to go through what I did, I was sick from morphine,
. I was miserable
in the hospital. I was still sick when I came home, and they told me that I will feel better in about 10 days, but I still had to be discharged from the hosiptal regardless.
You are making me feel guilty. I was one of those that told you it was a piece of cake.
Obviously we all have our own experience because it really was easy for me. I had very little gas so that helped a bunch. The only pain pills I took were at bedtime and those were a precaution in case I turned wrong during the night.
Sorry you aren't feeling up to par. Hope things turn around quickly for you.