My preop thoughts

Amy Williams
on 5/15/04 7:40 pm
As the time comes closer things really start to bother you, it's really not something that you can help I don't think. I think it's something that anyone's who has had this surgery can understand. I've come to the conclusion that no matter how much you study about this surgery, you will never be prepared for it until you have lived it. Each person is so different in the outcomes. Each person can eat something different than someone else. Each person has different complications. The only thing you can do is try to do what you are suppose to do with this surgery. I'm not going into this surgery to mess it up. I want to be able to get my life back that I've not had for several years now. Really I haven't had my life for many years. I can never remember "thin". I was ALWAYS bigger than everyone. I really don't even expect or more like imagine that I can be what I'd say "normal" size is, but really what is "normal"? Normal for me is to be able to drive again, to be able to walk to my mail box, to be able to get a job. to take a bath standing up, to walk outside and smell the flowers, to go to the movies, to go to church, to not depend on NO ONE to do things for me, to clean my whole house (myself), to go in a car pool to a meeting or what ever and not worry about fitting in the car, to walk on the beach, to ride a bike.....oh the list goes on. For me this surgery is NOT about how much weight I lose or if I get to goal, this surgery is about gaining my life back. Sure the getting to goal is an added plus, but nothing like LIVING again. I guess I can say that the greatest thing I've learned from being my size is NEVER take life for granted. Take the time to smell the flowers, you may not have that "tomorrow", do it today. Amy
(deactivated member)
on 5/15/04 9:59 pm - Warner Robins, GA
I agree with you Amy!! I am excited for you to get your life back. I know that God has his hand in this and I know he will bring you through your surgery with much success. BIg HUgs! Tonya
on 5/15/04 10:40 pm - Thomson, ga
hi l like what you said and hope that l will be there soon not long until july now. can't wight. good luck on the 18th .. have a good day sarah
Siddy I.
on 5/16/04 3:29 am - Savage, MN
Amy~ You are so right. Pre-op, I read every book about WLS I could get my hands on, talked to post-ops, asked questions, I "knew" so much about the surgery I could do them myself. But I didnt REALLY know how I would feel or do until after it was said and done. And by then it was too late to turn back. (I'm glad I didnt turn back too!!) What I eat or dont, what I like or dont, what I drink doesnt matter because I do what works for me. And what works for me may not for you. But I'll be more than happy to share with anyone the whats and whys of my WLS experience. As long as you KNOW in your heart and soul why you are having your WLS and have done your research, you will be just fine. Just take it one day at a time. Good luck to you. Sidney
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