What is the one thing ....
I told him. We were at a function a few weeks ago and I asked him if he knew you. He said he did and I told him about you being in the running for the CC seat. He said he thought you'd have a bright future.
Tracy and I are good friends and we are also members of the Houston County Exchange Club.
What a great question to start a thread for! I have a whole list on my profile, but I'll paraphrase a few of the most important items here:
I want to get some attention from guys who have all their teeth and don't immediately make me think of Deliverance
I want to ride all the rides at Six Flags!
I want to go white water rafting, rock climbing and hang gliding
Honestly though, the thing I absolutely look forward to the most is making my body into the best it can be at age 31 and doing physical things I've never been able to do. I want to take a summer off and hike the entire Appalchian trail...with a David Duchovny or Jude Law lookalike who thinks the sun doesn't rise unless I tell it to, of course