Anyone have surgery May 17?

Cute F.
on 5/11/04 6:49 am - Atlanta, GA
I am so nervous! I think it's the whole "put me to sleep" thing that I am afraid of ....I am also hoping that I can follow all of the rules. Right now I can't imagine not drinking while eating....and no sugar, ah man!!! It's all starting to make my head
Monica L.
on 5/11/04 7:48 am - lawrenceville, GA
Yes, I am having surgery May 17th at Atlanta Medical Center at 10:30 am. Don't worry honey....we'll do great! You just really have to put your shoulder into this thing and start pushing. It is a lifelong change but it is so worth it for our health and well being! Where are you having surgery?
kimberly W.
on 5/12/04 12:47 am - forest park, GA
Yes I'm also having my surgery May 17 and I'm affraid of being but to sleep, I know god will bring me thourgh and you too. Good Luck! I will keep you in my prayers.
Cute F.
on 5/12/04 1:12 am - Atlanta, GA
I am at Atlanta Medical Center as well. 6 a.m.!!!! I do love and trust God,however, so I don't know what I'm worried about
on 5/12/04 1:25 pm - Atlanta, GA
You will get adjusted to not drinking and eating at the same time. The hardest times will be when you are eating out...but that will be a while before you can do that anyway. Your body will be able to tell you whether you can have sugar or not...for instance, my body can handle SOME sugar (like the minimal amounts that are in protein drinks and diluted fruit juices) but everyone's body is different. Don't worry about having to cut EVERYTHING you love out of your diet FOREVER.. you will learn to do thing in moderation..and when you forget.. your body will remind you. As a matter of won't even have an appetite for a while. Bye Bye Angelette...Email me if you have any questions...
on 5/13/04 3:50 am - Atlanta, GA
What's up my friend!!! You are going to be such a trooper. Please your gonna breeze right through it. I am proof it can be done. Take it day by day and try I do say TRY, not to think aobut the negative. I was surprised how I handles it in the end on my way to the surgery room. I remember thinking, they are taking me back already!!!!!!!! LOL it was good and actually I was glad to be in the surgery room so I could be asleep and not worry about anything. Hmmmm I am trying hard to remember them rolling me into my room. Hey how did I get into my bed as a matter of fact??? LOL it will be all good girl. Love Ya!! NAT
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