OT-Question for nurses or ear ache sufferers
I have a history of ear infections, I've had them since I was an infant and have never really outgrown my tendency towards them. Well, since Saturday evening I've had a high pitched buzzing in my left ear. Now I know everyone gets that every now and then, but I've never had it last this long! Everything sounds like I'm in a tin can!
I already have a doctor's appt scheduled for tomorrow so I'm going to discuss it with him then, but I'm confused about this because I haven't had an ear infection in quite a while, nor have I had the head cold or sinus problems that normally lead to ear issues for me. This whole episode I've had no pain or feelings of pressure in that ear, just the buzzing. And, I haven't been to a concert in a while, so there were no loud noises involved My ear will still pop like normal when yawning or holding my nose closed and forcing air out that way, so it doesn't seem to be blocked.....
Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Sounds liek you have some fluid that has built up back there.
A tampanagram would be able to show. I'm not a nurse but my son and I suffer from allergies and my son had tubes in his ears for 3 years. You may want to look into tubes if you continue to have problems. One of my co-workers got them at the age of 42.
Good luck!
Thanks Tonya! I guess I'm just scared that I might have punctured my eardrum somehow, but I've done that before and I know it hurts! Like I said this hasn't been painful, just annoying! I guess it could be due to my allergies even though it doesn't feel like there's any fluid buildup. Hopefully my doc will be able to let me know something tomorrow!
I had tubes in my ears when I was young. I always had ear infections too. I had these problems when I was losing weight. If you have lost weight recently sometimes you will notice that the shape of your face changes. The shape of your face sometimes alters your eustachian tube (ear canal). Or you could also have some problems with your teeth. It could be a number of things. Sometimes I put a little hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip and swab the ear. It can't hurt. Or if you have a syringe your could flush out your ear over the sink with warm water. Best of luck, I know how annoyed you really are. Just remember when you are on the losing side you won't have anymore ear infections (that's what my doc said.) Hope to join you soon
A S.
on 5/11/04 1:22 am - anytown, GA
on 5/11/04 1:22 am - anytown, GA
I almost always carry fluid on my ears and I use ear candles to help.... You can usually get them @ an herb store. They are about 12 inches long and hollow... they are made of a sort of thin gauzy fabric dipped in wax. Both ends of the candles have an opening. You light the large end of the candle and then place the small end into your ear (gently).... this creates a short of vacuum and will pull out excess fluid and wax from your ear. The heat is very subtle, but feels especially good if your ear is hurting. I use a metal pie pan w/ a hole cut out in the middle for the candle to go through to shield my hair and face from any ash that may fall from the candle.
It sounds crazy, I know... but I promise that it helps. My whole family uses these. Cut the candle open afterwards and see the results... sounds gross, but it made a believer out of me!
Good luck!
I've heard of ear candling, but I've never used them. Hard to believe with the number of ear infections I've had! I tried some reiki last night, but I'm just not that good at doing it on myself for some reason.
I'm not sure where to get ear candles at. Do you know if they have them at the Phoenix and the Dragon? Thanks!
A S.
on 5/13/04 3:25 am - anytown, GA
on 5/13/04 3:25 am - anytown, GA
I have no idea if they are carried there. I buy from a place near the airport in Atlanta.... and my Mom always buys from a place in Pigeon Forge, TN. I'm sure that you could probably buy them online!
Good luck!