Renting lift recliners and and update!

Kelle W
on 5/7/04 2:10 am - Atlanta, GA
I haven't been able to find a place that rents the lifting recliners, and I think they're the only type of seating that would be any easier for me to get up and down off of then my couch would be. Anyone have any suggestions? I've looked all over the web and I can find them for sale, but not for rent. Thanks! As for my surgery, I have my pre-op testing on Thursday, May 13th and my appointment with Dr. Appel on Friday, May 28th. I won't get my surgery date till after I see the doc, but April thinks it will be in June, which is what I've been hoping for! Kelle
Karel J.
on 5/7/04 3:43 am - GA
Kelle, I don't know if you're having lap or open. I had open and really took it easy for the first week or so. Family helped me getting in/out of my recliner the first few days when I needed their help. At times I found it easier to have a pillow under me and behind me so I wouldn't have so far down and back to sink into. I can honestly say it didn't kill me getting in and out of my recliner. I even slept in it for 2 weeks. What really got to me is after the first week my kids gave up on the silence and resorted to "MOM...I need this....get that for me...." Then I did overdo it just a bit with having to get out of my recliner more than I would've liked. You'll do fine. And with all the clothes you'll be buying soon, renting a lift recliner may be a waste of money. That's just my opinion. Good luck! Karel
Sunny D.
on 5/7/04 4:02 am - South, GA
We have a king size rice bed--high up . I'd just roll to the side and shimmy out. Don't waste your money. It may not be what you need.
Kelle W
on 5/7/04 4:52 am - Atlanta, GA
Hey guys, thanks for the advice. I have a pretty high bed as well (queen size). I think I'm just going to get one of those wedge pillows that folks use to sit up in bed and read. And as for the times when I feel the need to sit out in the living room and be socialble, I'll either buy one of those folding metal chairs at Walmart and put a cushion on it, or get some foam padding to stick on the couch so it's not quite as much of a drop. Kelle
on 5/7/04 5:47 am - baltimore, md
Regarding the high bed idea, you can buy those bed lifts for around $15 and put them under each post and raise the bed another couple of inches.
Sunny D.
on 5/7/04 7:29 am - South, GA
Don't want to steal the post--just wanted to welcome you--I used Champion too--He's good! Let me know if you have any questions.
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