The Ball Is Rolling

Cricket J.
on 5/6/04 2:20 pm - Atlanta, GA
Okay, guys I go to Dr. Duncan or whoever for my consulation. Then the following week I have my Pysh. evaluation. I'M SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS but on the same hand I'm scared that something is going happen to slow the process down. I hoping for surgery by Aug. Everything is going so smooth. After the 13th I'm ready to start my diet because I know there going to say I need to lose a little and line up all up other test I need. I'm just worried, you guys are so helpful and I know that you guys could help me through since everyone else has been through this or going through it. And anybody else who has gone through the process with Dr. Duncan could you please tell me what were your steps? I realize not everyone is the same due to different health issue but I would still like to know your journey. One more thing folks I can't spell worth a flip, I live by spell check, so please forgive any and all mistakes. Thanks
on 5/6/04 9:00 pm - Conyers, GA
Monique I had Dr Duncan for my surgery and i went for my consulation on Jan 22 and then i had surgery on April 6 So it did not take alot of time at all..I was shocked casue i was expecting like a 3 month wait or something ....All i did was follow the sheet they give you for what your insurance needs and you should be all set ....And call Duncans office to make sure they receive the faxs .....But once they had my insurance approval i had two weeks before my surgery ...So i had no time to do anything ...And from what i hear they will make you lose some weight ...which i dont agree with but what can you do ...And i was lucky and i did not have to lose anything so that was kinda nice ...well i lost like 2 pounds but that was it ......Just stay Possitive and everything will fall into place Laura
Cricket J.
on 5/7/04 1:52 pm - Atlanta, GA
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