Dr. Duncan's office is making me very angry!!!

on 5/4/04 8:56 am - Covington, GA
Okay guys, I just wanted to vent. I went to my first consult at Dr. Duncan's office nearly a month ago. (For those of you who don't know, I am already approved through Dr. Robinson, but surgery was cancelled so now I just need the approval transferred to Dr. Duncan.) Per Alicia at BCBS, this is a simple process, it'll probaly take less than a week to transfer it. But, my file has been in "dictation" at Dr. Duncan's office for almost a month. My file is complete, but whatever this "dictation" is, it's holding up my progress. Now, when I went for my consult, the staff was so sugary sweet. My consult was on a Thursday, they told me to call Monday, because they'd send my file off at that time. But four weeks later, and my file is still in dictation!!!!!!!! And to top it off, they act so unconcerned about my situation. No, they haven't been rude, but they haven't been overly polite either. I know I am not their only patient, but I would like to feel as if I were. And right now I feel like I am their zillionth patient and they could care less about me. Okay, I'm done venting, but I am still mad. Have a great day and good luck to everyone on their weight loss journeys. And please keep me in your prayers! Smooches Chandra
brown S.
on 5/4/04 4:03 pm - ellenwood, ga
go ahead girl and vent .............let it all out ......take a breath hold it now EXHALE..................thats it girl let it out.Maybe it want be long now just hold on your time will come and you will be just fine.God bless
Amy Williams
on 5/4/04 7:13 pm
I had a simular problem with Dr. Duncan's Staff. Needless to say I'm still waiting on a call back from over 6 months ago. If you want something done CALL everyday. The squeaky one gets the oil so to speak
on 5/5/04 12:28 am - Lawrenceville, GA
Girl I aint mad at you! I would be upset too. Yes Dr. Duncan has a big load I know I went to him too. but he is one of the best if not the best. So just keep calling them they will get it done I called everyday for my surgery date until they moved me up. Call every day!
Lady G.
on 5/6/04 2:39 am - FARMVILLE, NC
Girl, do what you gotta do!! Call,call, call. It makes no sense for that type of delay, maybe you can vent to someone in the office that is in charge. Calm down and take one day at a time!! It will be alright!!! Brenda
Cute F.
on 5/6/04 5:45 am - Atlanta, GA
If they don't speed things up, tell them you will take your "approval letter" somewhere else....(they don't want to loose those dollars). I heard that Dr. Burrowes and Dr. Duncan are the top two in Atlanta. Dr. Burrowes "SUPPOSEDLY" did Kelly Price's surgery and he was trained by Dr. Mal Fobi (bariatric surgeon to the stars). Burrowes has lots of photos that he's taken with Dr. Fobi. Just an FYI... good luck girl!
on 5/6/04 12:13 pm - Peachy State, GA
Hi Chandra, I see we both are still going through the side thing with Dr. Duncan office. I call today to see if my paper work had been sent to the insurance company yet and I spoke with Jennifer S. and I was transfered like 3 times know one knows anything. So finally I was transfered to Jennifer B. and she said that they were waiting for the DR's to sign my letter and she said check back next Wednesday everthing should be ready by then. I told her I was told the same thing last week and nothing is change from last week?? She started to appologize but I just cut her off and said thank you I will check back on Tuesday not Wednesday. I'm so tired of being lied to. It makes no sense, just tell the truth that way I know what to expect. I was expecting for my information to be on it's way by now, but hopely they will get on the ball in that office or hire more help which ever the case may be. Sorry so long but I'm just steamed right now. Shondra
on 5/7/04 5:50 am - Covington, GA
Well, I see I'm not the only one, but this is ridiculous!!! I do call every other day, and this past Monday, Jennifer S. told me not to call anymore, they would call me when my file was ready. But what ****** me off the most is that I am already approved!!! I just need my approval transferred from Dr. Robinson to Dr. Duncan. I mean it should not take a month to send a file to the insurance company!!! Guys, I have everything that needs to be done, all my evaluations, letters, etc. My original surgery was cancelled two days before, so you know I have everything, and Dr. Duncan's office has all of my paperwork from Dr. Robinson's office. So What is the problem!!! And what is dictation!!!! That's where my file has been for more than 3 weeks, the first week it was on Dr. Duncan's desk waiting for him to sign off on it!! Like Shondra said, it's one excuse after the other and I am so very frustrated with them!! Still angry!! Chandra
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