Anesthesiologist---can anyone recommend a good one?
As all of us that have been approved know, we really researched our doctor for WLS. We wouldn't have chosen him if we didn't feel comforable with him. However, most of us will not meet our anethesiologist until a day or two before our surgery. If I'm not mistaken, but isn't he just as important!! I have United Health Care PPO. And NONE of anethesiologist that are "in-network", have any affiliations with Atlanta Medical Center. Which means, I'll be paying out of pocket for that doctor. That being the case, I want to get a good one!! I have heard too many horror stories about people losing the use of a leg or foot (or worse) after the anethesiologist pokes the wrong place in your spine. I don't know about all of you, but I'll be ticked off when I make it through surgery, and then can't walk!!!
Anyway, I would love to hear from anyone that has had a positive experience with an anethesiologist and his/her name.
Also, I'd like to hear from other WLS patients with UHC PPO that went to Atlanta Medical Center.
well i had my surgery at Atlanta Medical Center But i have BCBS HOM so i dont have the same insurance but if i remember correctly the anesthesiologist was great ....I could nto tell you her name cause to be honest i did not know you had a chioice of who you can have ...But she was great and as far as i know she just gave me a shot in my IV as they were wheeling me into the surgery room and by the time they had stoped the streacher i was out and did not wake up until after everything was done....But i have no complaints at all ...She was wonderful and i even had told her how i had a dream the night before that they could not knock me out and all so she was very re assuring that everything was going to be ok since she knew i was alittle worried with that dream and all ....I would not worrie about that part of it i think you will be in good hands in that department !!!!!
Kerry- Mike here-
As far as the anesthesia is concerned, your talking about a spinal epidural vs. anesthesia. If you're having an epidural for pain management, it most likely is done right before surgery. It usually goes very smoothly. You do not have to have the epidural if you do not want to. They can manage your pain through your IV site if need be. As far as the anesthesia during surgery, they will put a mask over your face and eventually a tube in your throat. They will then hook you up to the ventilator during surgery. You will not know a thing! By the time you hit the OR, you will not care if they did cut off your legs!!!! I think you will be fine. I don't know any of the docs, but I am sure they will give me a good one. Don't sweat it. You will do fine!
Well Marcy, I don't know really how to answer your question. They can give you several different drugs to knock you out. My question was mainly concerning the epidurals and spinal injections. I don't want someone messing with my spine if I can help it. However, from what I've read here on this site, epidurals are really nice, when they are given properly.