How about an Atlanta social club?
I can't seem to figure out a support group to get in on, so I was thinking (yes that smoke you smell is probably from my brain), why don't we start a social club? One NOT CENTERED AROUND FOOD....what an idea! I know we're all scattered all over the place and I hate to admit it, but I'm mostly talking about the Atlanta metro area.
We could meet however often we wanted to, twice a month, once a month, whatever, and we could alternate where we met. We could do stuff like movies, or go to bookstores, I'm really into new agey stuff so if anyone's been wanting to visit the monthly psychic fair in Marietta I definitely have the hookup on that. There's just so many places to check out around town, and if you're in the company of wonderful people who understand what's on your mind (and if you're pre-op like me, why you want to go to the movie theaters with the nice wide seats) it just makes it easier.
If anyone would be interested let me know. I have no problem spearheading this. I ran a BBW singles club for a while a few years ago and I know a thing or two about keeping beautiful women (and handsome men) entertained!
LOL okay you got me scarred on the keeping gentlement entertained don't want to be part of a Hiedi Flesh(sp?) organization LOL. At least not yet okay. Weight till I get smaller than I will consider it
Okay well I would join. Or I would hang out once in a while. I am a single mom with 2 kids so I can't plan anything ahead, that just don't work for me. Babysitter ends up cancelling or having to work when I do that. grrrrrr But once in a while I like to get out the house and I have no one to hand out with. I love the movies but the last movie I seen was with the kids Cat in The Cat and before that was the Grinch... So that tells you how much I go out!!!! NEVER
So count me in come...
That sounds like so much fun! I live an hour South of Atlanta and I too am a single Mother but if we plan well enough in advance I would love to drive up and hang out. I LOVE Atlanta but really don't know any one there to show me around
SO keep me posted.
TonyaPS- Haha Natalie..."keeping men entertained"
Okay, how about this....let's plan on having our first meeting on May 15th? We can go to a movie at Phipps Plaza. They have a great theater there. I'm not sure what will be out by then. I know Troy is coming out on May 14th.....anyone up for seeing that? A buff Brad Pitt is a strong draw! We can make definite plans closer to time. How's that sound?