I guess no help can be found!!!

on 4/16/04 10:59 pm - crescent, GA
It seems to me that no one cares to help me. I know someone can! It also appears that no one will help me because the majority of people on here have had wls, so they are satisfied. The only people I see on here are people that have all had wls. I am just asking for some help and guidance, I need some one to help me to become happy and satisfied with my self like everyone else on here is.
Sunny D.
on 4/16/04 11:10 pm - South, GA
I see from the other post that you had 2 good responses. You need to check on the exclusion and see if there is any way around it. We will support you with wls or not. I know you are probably upset but turn that into anger and fight for what you want. You are worth a new improved life. There are many people who have appealed decisions and won. Go to the main message board and ask about the insurance and you will get responses. Do not feel alone through this. This site has been very helpful for me. You have to check with your insurance first. If you can afford the surgery without the insurance, keep your appointment. If not, get everything in order and fight. You are stronger than you realize. Good Luck!!!!
Angel Sellers
on 4/17/04 5:07 am - Smyrna, Ga
Felicia: First of all here is a (((HUG))) I know you must be frustrated & I wish I could say there is an easy answer & make it all better, but unfortunately that isn't the case First off you do need to really buckle down on your insurance company like the others suggested & get specefics on this "exclusion". Regardless, it is probably going to take a lot of hard work & prayer & maybe even some with the insurance company. However, you must be prepared if they absolutely will not cover it. I myself had to pay for my surgery out of pocket. I used to be covered by my husband's insurance, however, we separated & that left me with none. The company I work for is wonderful, but very small, therefore, we do not have group benefits. My boss offered to pay a portion of my insurance if I could get an individual plan, which turned out to be - No one wanted to cover me @ my highest weight and if they did the premium was so astronomical that there was no way for me to make it. So, in some way I can identify with your frustration. I knew for years that this was what I needed to do, but finding the means was a whole different story. I finally took out a home equity line of credit & used it for my surgery. I know not everyone can do that either, but depending on your situation, you may want to look into financing options if the insurance angle doesn't work. Capital One offers financing for medical expenses & if you do a web search there are all kinds of resources out there. This is just a thought & maybe a "backup" plan for you to consider. I really hope everything works out for you. I know how frustrated you must be, but try not to get angry Like Sunny said turn that anger into something positive & go on a mission to get this worked out. I will keep you in my prayers & if you need to talk, please feel free to email me @ [email protected]. Good luck sweetie & keep the faith Angel
Diane G.
on 4/17/04 11:54 am - Dacula, GA
Get on to Yahoo, and click on groups, search for help with your particular insurance compnay. I had to do that to get all the info I needed for my insurance company. And I am STILL NOT APPROVED, but it has helped me a lot. I started more than a year ago. I have met many people who have experience w/ approval issues, and who have helped me thru this emotional rollor coaster. It is a different type of help. There are many people out there that have experience with your specific insurance company, and you just are looking in the wrong place, there out ther, you just looking in the wrong place. Getting upset will not allow you to be the best you can be. Start searching at Yahoo Groups , I am sure it will help you. OH is mainly for surgery realted topics, not insurance issues, however, there are insurace sections on OH, you just have to search around. This is not an easy process, it is going to take time, and for someone who knows what they want it will seem like forever. A friend of mine Roberta said this, and it is true. Overweight people are people who want IMMEDIATE SATISFACTION. That why we are fat. Food satisfied our impulses. This is just the beginning of YOUR journey,and it WILL take time, and it will NOT happen immediately. You are being taught self control, and patients. It is going to take time, and you just need to understand that you need to be patient. You need to try searching websites that specialize with INSURANCE ISSUES for gastric bypass proceedures.Believe me, I do wish you the very best. Good Luck in your journey. May I suggest writing and updating your profile on a regular basis? I noticed that you havn't written in it. Reason being is that you need positive a way to release and express your anxiouness? (not enduling again in food) Believe it or not, you need to be able to see your progress through the most difficult time, and as you transform mentally and physically. This is a very important. I do hope that you find resources that allow you to get to your next phase in your weight loss attempt. Still Waiting for approval Diane
on 4/17/04 12:10 pm - crescent, GA
how do i write in my profile. i see where others have like a journal in theirs.
on 4/17/04 12:32 pm - crescent, GA
thank you very much!!
on 4/18/04 2:22 am - GA
Go to Dr. Henderson's website http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/mdcomments-PeterHendersonJr-ghr.html , go thru the list and click on your insurance carrier and read responses from other patients. Maybe they had to jump thru hoops, too, and you can get their advice with your specific carrier. That is what I did with my insurance carrier, I just looked for other people and found out what was required and how to get past the politics. I was lucky enough to find the names and phone numbers of contact people for my insurance company! I even found someone who worked for my insurance carrier for 12 years and got the surgery! Talk about inside information! If you are determined enough to have the surgery, be persistant in your research! I'm pre-op and for every snag I hit I research! Someone else has been there and gotten past it! Best of luck, Patti
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