Pre-op visit questions
Hey guys, this is to all of Dr. Duncan's patients. I am going to the Wellness Center on Thursday for my pre-operative visit. I was told to bring the required information, i.e. H-Pylori test results, letter of clearance, to the visit along with the co-pay amount. From what I gathered over the phone, this is when you will be weighed to determine if you can have the surgery. Ya'll, I am literally sick to my stomach with worrying if I have lost enough weight.
I wanted to ask those of you who are post-op what this visit was like and what your experience was with the scale. I wanted to know that if they told you that you needed to loose 20 pounds, were you cancelled if you had only lost 15?
I just wanted to get a feeling for what I can expect at this visit.
Thanks guys!!!!
Not sure, but when you find out please share. I can imagine I will be as nervous as you are. I'm thinking to myself, "Loose weight? Is this some kind of cruel joke?" I find myself wanting to eat, eat, eat, as I am so nervous about getting everything in order, getting clearance letters,getting approval and surving the actual surgery.
Anyway, I am sending you good vibes. Good Luck.
BTW- I read you profile. What town are you running for CC?
Good Luck with that. Too bad they could'nt move your date up a little bit as to give you a little more time to recover and feel better when you do your qualifying. Good Luck!
Hey Tonya,
I'm running in Ware County (Waycross). I know a few CCs in your neck of the woods. I know Ned Sanders and Gloria Alday and Matt Stone and Burl Jimmerson (I think he's running for Houston BOE at-large seat.. he's a good man and I encourage you to vote for him
I'll definitely let you know what they say. I'll know by lunch on Thursday.
Oh, I also got my blood results back. My H-pylori test was negative and the only thing in my bloodwork that wasn't great was my cholestorol (215). I thought it was pretty impressive considering that I'm overweight.
I wish you well with your upcoming campaign. Ned Sanders seems like a really good guy. I read his updates in one of local free papers. I am familiar with the other folks(and we need good folks on our BOE..NOTED
. Matt Stone is a young guy, he was really doing well until he publically compared our Mayor with Sadam Hussein.
Well, needless to say that went over like a box of rocks. LOL
With all the "old-timers" around here, they were just waiting for this young guy to slip up. He has lots of potential if he would just think before he speaks. I'm surprised they haven't run him out of town.
Now just take this as some friendly advice, you may want to write it down......NEVER compare the Mayor to Saddam Hussein.LOL
Good news with your blood test.
I'll be looking for your update on Thurs.
PS- You may want to rethink that 4 hr car ride after indulging in that Phosasoda-cleaner outer. I hear that your bowels turn to pure liquid with little opportunity to make it to a toilet. You may want to invest in a package of Depends if you must drive to ATL on Monday.LOL Last week one of my friends(and member of this board) drove up the night before his consult with Dr Duncan and was stuck in traffice for 4 hrs, 5 miles from Dr Duncan's office. That wouldn't be pretty while you are involuntary passing fluid out your bowels. YIKES!!!!
Hi Joe I lost just nine pounds. But believe thats was nine pounds I thought I would never get off, I was hoping for more. They did not say anything , they were like ok you lost nine pounds and everything was in order. Don't worry. I heard that Dr. Johnson is real hard, if he's the one that comes in your room. I hade Dr. Norman he didn't give me any problems. But some people that saw Dr. Johnson said he was hard and mean, lol. Don't worry as long as you lost something, you will be fine I think. Dr. Duncan wasen't there on my pre-op but maybe he will be there for yours. Good Luck Joe, you will be fine.
I had only lost 12.5 lbs when I went for pre-op. They didn't cancel me. Dr. Mcgowan did give me a lecture on how it should have been better. Don't let him scare you...he is doing his job. He really is a nice guy. They are going to make sure you are ready for surgery. If you are doing everything that day including the prepared to be there all day. Good Luck!!
Hey Joe:
I had lost almost 25 lbs. from the first of the year to my surgery date of 3/29/04. It was a struggle, but I did it. I had Dr. Johnson and he was all business. Asked if I had any questions, which I did. He examined my stomach area and found that I had a small hernia by my navel which he said they would take care of during my procedure. You will do fine and I will be praying for you. Good Luck!