on 4/2/04 6:36 am - columbus, ga
hi yall, found out at 9:30 this morning that i am still denied. so paperwork will be comming to me to tell me exactly why... I called the dr. that gave me the phyc eval and he talked to me ... my last visit with him mind you , he told me i was normal in every aspect, and that he would recomened me haveing surgery and had no problems with the fact i was going to dr. duncan in atlanta in stead of dr. bloom here in columbus... that being said... when i started haveing problems getting my records i got in to it with a person who is handleing the bariatric stuff for dr. bloom... she got mad and told me that she would make sure that i didnt get the surgery, that i was not ready... she told me i was not compliant with the rules.... this all happened about the 15 of jan... no one had recieved a copy of phyc eval yet... she called him and told him i was not compliant and that is why i was changeing surgeons and that i never lost weight and that i was very wishy washy about this surgery... that is what he added to the END of my eval that i needed councleing pre surgery to be sure i would comply and nutritional eval for my yrs of yo you dieting and that i should also be tested for A D D... so that is what i have to do now to get approved.. i have an appointment with councelor on monday.. i have been seeing a nutritionalist since i let dr. blooms office ... i just dont know what to do about the A D D ... i dont have a bunch of money for that and my insurance wont pay so we are going to try to get around that by working on the other two thing that he says i need... I was so surprised... i didnt see the letter ahead of time but i was going by what he told me... i was totally bllindsided by this turn of events.... soooo sorry so long..... kiwani
Sunny D.
on 4/2/04 8:35 am - South, GA
Sounds like you kinda got "screwed". If you can get a second evaluation from another PSYC. and tell the insurance co. about the conversation with Bloom's girl maybe they would accept that. It doesn't sound like you've been treated fairly. Another PSYH could also give his opinion about the ADD
on 4/4/04 11:24 pm - GA
I agree. See if you can schedule with the psych doc's that Dr Duncan recommends in Atlanta.
Lea R.
on 4/4/04 11:35 am - Columbus, GA
I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS !! God, I'm so glad I didn't even TRY Dr. Bloom"s office. I knew it would be in my best interest to go out of Columbus for this type surgery. I knew that when I first tried to get my psych eval. here with Dr. Schwartz. The office fumbled everything. Kiwani, I know it's been hard hitting these road blocks but I feel you will prevail and surgery is in the cards for you. Hold on and bide your time and do what they want. It'll still be worth the wait in the end. girlfriend... love ya, Lea
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