Oprah Show on Friday Regard Gastric Bypass

Diane G.
on 4/1/04 11:29 am - Dacula, GA
I was wondering if anyone has is going to or has seen the show on Oprah Friday April 2nd regarding the gastric bypass surgery? Randy,from American Idol is supposed to be on the show, along with a lady *****grets the surgery. Just curious about your feed back.
on 4/1/04 12:40 pm - Atlanta, GA
Hey Diane long time girl how you doing, I have a date. It's schedule for May 10th. Okay is this a rerun of oprah. I havn't see that one but everyone say it ****** them off about the surgery. Randy makes a comment that HEEEEE had if for real medical reasons, not just for the beuty of it. I don't want to see it. He is such a A$$. And surprisingly he is uneducated for a man that actually had the surgery. NAT
Diane G.
on 4/1/04 9:26 pm - Dacula, GA
Hey Nat, I am so glad to here from you. I am glad that you are having your surgery on May 10th. I will be submitting my paperwork sometime after spring break. And, I know that I will be asking for your I wish you the best.
Julie I.
on 4/1/04 10:14 pm - Vidalia, GA
This one is a rerun; I saw it awhile back. It's an "ok" show. I don't remember a lady on there *****gretted her surgery, though. That could just be my memory. It AIN'T what it used to be!! I think it was on this show, however, that I heard the actual mortality statistic for the first time, and I have to say, it scared me! 1 in 200 don't make it out of surgery. That's scary! BUT, I forged ahead, and everything is going well! Jules
Rebecca W.
on 4/3/04 11:46 pm - Cleveland, GA
Hello, I just saw your message and i went on Oprah.com and she has an after the show video you can watch. It was okay. I would have liked to see the show. The woman on the show had problems with scar tissue. And had to have surgery again. There was a 17 year old who looks great talking about all the support you need. but anybody that does the research knows you need support. Dateline was at the support group that i went to with Dr. Proctor yesterday and will be doing an interview with him. I cant wait to see it. I try to watch everything i can on the subject. I am in the first stages of getting all paper work filled out. He also talked about putting a show of the surgery on his web site soon. Cant wait to see it. i watch discovery channel the other day and they had a surgery on tv. they followed this women from the beginning to the end. very informative. changes was awsome. I think the knowledge is out there for people if they only research. And i am doing all I can. and I still want this surgery more than anything. wish me luck and pray for me.
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