McDonough Support Group - Interested?

Jeff W.
on 3/25/04 8:15 pm - McDonough, GA
If you are interested in starting a support group in McDonough let me know. I am willing to help organize it if the interest is there. Also, tell me which night would be best for you.
Jeff W.
on 3/25/04 8:17 pm - McDonough, GA
That's McDonough, GA, by the way.
on 3/28/04 8:38 pm - Mcdonough, GA
I'm very interested in a McDonough support group. Doesn't matter to me what night. Whatever works for everyone else. Kerry
Becky S.
on 3/26/04 12:50 am - Clinton, SC
Hi Jeff, I live in Jackson, GA and would be interested in a support group in McDonough, GA. I have been going to Conyers but it is so far for me to go and McDonough is a lot closer so just let me know. I am in the process of trying to get a surgeon and I went to Emory's seminar last night in Decatur. I liked what they had to say and I am supposed to call back about seeing a doctor. I am one of those that has BCBS POS through my husbands employer so I do not know what to do about that unless the surgery could be done before the June change over. Sometimes I wonder if God really wants me to get this surgery with what happened to Dr. Robinson and cancelling me 10 hours before surgery and now this with the insurance. I have heard that Dr. Robinson is going to start back doing surgery in May or June, but I do not think I could go back to him after what has happened. Anyway, let me know if we do get a group started since I could really use a support group now. Thanks and God Bless You. Sincerely, Becky Stanford
Dionne S.
on 3/29/04 11:40 am - Jonesboro, Ga
Jeff I would love to help you start the support group. I live in Jonesboro and had the surgery on 3/8/04. I have so many questions, and even though this website is a lifesaver, there's nothing like getting together with people and talking things out face to face Here is my email address, if I can help in anyway PLEASE send me a letter I think it would be great! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Pam B.
on 3/29/04 1:42 pm - Locust Grove, GA
Hey Jeff.... I been outta town for a couple days and didn't see this post till now but I would be very interested in a group in Mcdonough. My only problem is I work evenings and am only off Mon/Tues right now. Soooo, just let me know when and where and if I am off or can get off work I will be there. There are so many of you tht I have talked to by e mail that I so want to meet in person! Lets work this out! should be a bunch of us since Henry County is the 3rd fastest growing county in the whole US. I work with 3 other post ops and 2 pre ops right now... I am sure the interest is there if we can get it together... Pam
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