sherrie G.
on 3/23/04 2:20 am - silver creek, ga
I am so excited. I have a date. Dr. Scott has scheduled my surgery for May 3, 2004. This of course is pending 1. the arrival of his Triplets, or 2. insurance approval. Of course i understand his wife and babies come first. Can you image....triplets ??? I wish him and his wife the best of luck. So if insurance approves and his wife doesnt go into labor....then its a go. I'm praying for healthy babies, and early surgery. I want this so badly. I want to be in a swim suit by at least August. I havent been swimming in so long. I was in Hawaii last june and didnt even get to swim in the ocean i was so embarrassed by putting on a swim suit. Im hoping my husband has to make a return trip this year so I can fly back with him and revisit the ocean, a new person. Yall keep your fingers crossed and keep me in your prayers. Those of you i talke to on the web site thank you so much for your input and the conversation. Yall have become so dear to me with your advice and ability to make me laugh and look at the bright side of things. I will keep yall posted!!!
michelle T.
on 3/23/04 9:13 am - nashville, GA
Hi Sherrie- Congrats on getting a date! Hope the babies will go ahead and come or wait til after your date. The waiting is truely the worst!! I hope your time passes quickly and all goes smoothly. Michelle
sherrie G.
on 3/25/04 10:53 am - silver creek, ga
Thank you so much for your kind words. People like you keep me coming back to this site. I have every faith and confidence that all will go well. I have too many people praying for me for the surgery not to. Again thank you so much sherrie
Joe C.
on 3/23/04 9:51 am - Manor, GA
Congratulations!!! I hope to have a date within the next week or two and I will know the feeling you have Good luck and God Bless!!!! Joe
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