
Brenda D.
on 3/16/04 6:37 am - Winder, GA
I have read alot on Pain.I am scared to be put to sleep.I get myself work up to the point that I have panic attacks. I am in good help other that being over wieght. I did have my gallblatter removed, but that was a emer.sugery and they had to trick me there because it was my frist hospital vist, was so scared.the thiought of being put to sleep just gets under my skin. PLEASE HELP. Still trying to make the right move having a hard time. Dont know if I want this or not . I am also a baby when it comes to Pain.
on 3/16/04 6:54 am - augusta, GU
Brenda, I was very scared also about being put to sleep also. Please just give the situation to God and he will take care of everything else. I came thru it okay and I know you will too. Just have faith! Kerstin
Tammy W.
on 3/16/04 12:36 pm - Dallas, GA
Try to calm yourself with thoughts of being on the other side! A word of advice, Tell your dr, nurse, anesthesiologist and anyone else you come into contact with regaurding the surgery that you have panic attacks, My dr was able to prescribe valium for me to take in the preop room and it did help, I wouldn't go through surgery with out something to calm me and have never had any difficulty getting the dr's to give me a little something to calm me. (I have had several unrelated surgeries prior to RNY) It is even protocol at some hospitals. Good luck
Siddy I.
on 3/22/04 2:41 am - Savage, MN
I agree with Tammy, tell EVERYONE your fears. My doc gave me something to take the night before to calm me down and at the hospital I was given a "happy ****tail". The anesthesilogist will take your fears very seriously and will take good care of you. As far as the pain, everyone is different. I had no pain what so ever but my friend who went before me was in a lot. When you wake up, someone will be right there with pain killers so if you do hurt, it wont be for long. Good luck and best wishes to you! Sidney
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