Really Regretting Surgery...
I was doing great in the hospital no pain at all only discomfort, but by Saturday I was in PAIN ! By Tuesday morning 3am I was in the ER. I had a CT Scan with Contrast and it showed a small leak between the old and new stomach, but since it was all internal the docs. said nothing needed to be done. But that didn't explain my pain so they admitted me. My pain was mostly on the right side so they wanted to do several tests to rule out gallbladder, pancreas and appendix. The tests all came back normal with some leftover sludge as they called it in my gallbladder. I never had a fever but my white cell count was up meaning an infection somewhere. So they pumped me full of fluids and antibiotics and nothing by mouth for 24 hours until all the test results were back. After everything they think I had a kidney stone and passed it. All seemed rather anti-climatic after all the severe and I mean severe pain I had. I still suffer bad gas pain anytime I eat or drink something. I have discovered that hot tea doesn't cause as much gas so I am living on that. I still seem to have pain not quite as bad but I am living on my Lortab which burns like hell going down and for about 20 minutes afterward. Think salt on an open wound and you have the pain. My doctors seem stumped by this but still told me to take it and even prescribed more after I got out of the hospital again.
I am just so tired of hurting all the time. I really hate that I have done this to myself. If I could undo this believe me I would. Everyone keeps telling me that it will get better since I am not even 2 weeks out but damn I really can't take anymore. I am so miserable. Even with all this I have lost about 13 lbs and that's not counting all the excess fluid weight that I brought home from both hospital stays.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Tiff (Lap RNY 2/7/04 - 244 lbs./231 lbs.)
Hi, Tiff,
You need some comforting. If I was there I'd give you a BIG
((((((((((((((((((((((((( HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))).
I'm really impressed with all that weight you've lost what with the medicine, water weight, etc, but no fair trying to not eat and lose faster than the rest of us.
Keep your chins up (
) so you don't make us run for the chair

I am so sorry to hear about all of the difficulty you have had. I know you must be frustrated. I wish there was something I could say that would make it better
but I know only time will do that. One day you will look back & be happy - just try to hang in there. Your weight loss is wonderful so congratulations on that
I wish you only the best & I will keep you in my prayers

If you are really in all that much pain and it doesn't seem "normal" given what you have had done (I don't know if you had to have a scope done and that may be causing your burning sensation, etc), I would continue to pursue until someone listened to what I had to say. I am assuming based on what you said that you were not transected, but it still concerns me that they aren't worried about a leak into your old stomach. Of course, I am not a doctor, but perhaps you could speak with another doctor to get a second opinion on what seems to be going on.
Hi Tiffany,
My name is Tammy. I just met with my surgeon yesterday for the consultaion of RYN surgery. He explained if a patient had leaking problems after surgery such as your then he would open the patient back up and resitch the area. I would be concerned it your doctors told you the found a leak of any kind. He said he has found that some patients do not show the systems in the other test you mentioned.
The main reason I decided to email you was I have had 21 kidney stones
and they are extremely painful. The feel like a knife stabbing you in the back and if you passed one you would have possibly felt pain in your lower body. You would feel pain going from your hip to your female area. It would have went across your body and there would have been some pain. You would have instant relief after it passed.
Did they test your urine? Did you see any blood in your urine? Was there any burning when you urinated? A bladder infection would cause your white blood cells to be up.
I do not want to scare you but if you are still having pain and it is not coming from your lower back (that is where it feels like the knife is) then I would insist on the doctor checking your surgery area again especially if a leak showed up on a CT scan. A kidney stone would possible show up on that original scan too if the exray was in the kidney area.
I hope by now you are feeling much better.
Tammy Alexander-Whitesburg, Ga.

Tiffany, I think I remember emailing you a while back. You were wanting info on a support group in the area, right? I think!?!?! Anyways, email me and I'll explain similar problems I had. Nothing major, but I did have some pain. Everything is much better and I have no regrets! Hang in there and let me know if I can help you... (10/7/03 - 85 lbs gone)