The Hoops Again
Cricket B.
on 2/26/04 5:59 am - GA
on 2/26/04 5:59 am - GA
Thanks everyone for their response but what you all are going through seem's much easier. I have everthing else it's just those darn Histories. So I have another question. If I changed doctors, which even my PCP said I need to do, will the weigh****chers stuff be enough? Plus my letters and everything else? I'm really thinking about going to Dr. Duncan because the Dr. I have now said even if my insurance doesn't need it he's still going to ask for it. 2 histories 6 months each that's a whole year. Other people that I know who had the surgery said the had to have some history but two diets and how long really didn't matter. One friend even had 6 histories none being no more than 2 to 3 months. I'm just confused. Not to mention everybody I know who has had the surgery said for me to change Doctors. Not that Dr. Appel is Bad but when I show the list of everything they said they didn't have to have all that. The letter's , The pshy. evaluation, thyroid and nutritionist was really the most important and trust me I have plenty of letters with all my issues, even one form the podiatrist. I wish I had the list but I called Dr. Duncan's office and they said send in the paper work and they will see what they can do. Excuse all errors again
It all depends onyour insurance company and their requirements. Not the doctors office. You also have to keep in mind when did your contacts had their surgery.
As the surgery gets more popular the ins companies requirements are getting harder to comply with. Exclusions in policies changer every year and remember that 2004 was just 8 weeks ago.You need to take the step yourself, and call YOUR insurance company to find out what they require not the doctor. It is not that easy. I can not stress enough , keep a notebook and a phone log and DO YOUR RESEARCH.