Jumping through hoops
Okay, I know you have to do a lot of things before you can even get your insurance to think about it but this weight lost history, 2 of them...that has to be atleast 6 months ( I have Dr. Appel, hope I spelled that right) is driving me crazy. I have started Weigh****chers and I have one more month with that. After that I will start a Diet with my Dr. that will last 6 months. By the time I have surgery It will Dec. 2004. Is there any Dr. that does not want so much. I have no problems with the other things there easy to get but this just makes me wait longer and keeps me in pain. I lost a little with WW but more poor bones can't take it much longer. If I can move past the history part I can have surgery maybe by June. I can't find half of the Dr.s I had yrs. ago. I had no choice but to start over, please help...excuse errors.

I am using Dr. Duncan in Atlanta. It really is up to the insurance company how many hoops you have to jump through. I have BCBS POS and I had to have a thyroid panel, Med Clear, Med Bec, Nutri letter, Shrink, failed Diet history (I exxagerated on things I couldn't remember), and for good measure I got a letter documenting that I have tried WW since last May. That last letter wasn't required but I just put it in just in case. My process started on January 16, with my first appt with my PCP where I ran gastric bypass by him and he said he would write my letter..this was before I had even decided on a surgeon. Then Duncan's seminar on Jan 20th. I submitted all letters to BCBS on Feb 18th.. and was approved on Feb 23rd.. I find out my surgery date on this Friday.
So it can be done.. but it is dependent on your sitiuation and your insurance..
Hello Ms. Jackson
Girl, now that was fast, I also did the same but I did not have a detail diet from WW. I did have a failed diet history from my PCP, which I provided to her. I also faxed that same detail information to Dr. Duncan office, then I called the office and they advised me that my information was sent out on Thursday. I called BC/BS on Tuesday to see if my information has been received, they informed me that they have a NOT
received any of my paperwork yet and for me to call my surgeon office to make sure it had been submitted. I then called Dr. D's office to get a confirmation number. Jennifer gave me one and she told me if they still have received the information by Thursday she will resubmit it. Gosh what a hoop I'm jumping through.

Oh I had only one run in with a BCBS rep that was a true "trick".. she told me I didn't have insurance with BCBS and told me not to make her day hard.. I nearly snapped on her. But everyone else as BCBS is really cool... Keep trying and be persistent.. even with Duncan's office. Jennifer is the coolest person..Both Jennifers are cool.
I would do what Ms. Jackson said and look into Dr. Duncan. I went to his seminar back in November. I wanted to be sure that's who I wanted so I finally sent my paperwork in on 1.30.04. I have been approved and will have a date Friday as well.(Thanks to Ms. Jackson and her advise) Girl maybe we will go on the same day!!
Unfortunately unless you happen to be independently wealthy, which none of us are, you have to jump the insurance co hoops. I could have taken a 2nd mortgage and paid for mine 9 mos earlier. My biggest fear was complications. Then I knew I could be bankrupt.
Hang in there girl! I know it is hard, but this too shall p-ass.
Just curious but, why aren't you doing the diets at the same time. Are you under the impression that you can only do one at a time. Hmmm don't think that is a mandate. As long as they have 2 it's cool. I went with a person to one of the Wings Around Atlanta Meetings and she was doing them both at once and got approved. They just want to see you making an effort....Call and ask so you can get a move on it....Won't hurt to see....