
on 2/16/04 9:27 am - Atlanta, GA
Hey fellow BCBS GA PPO ers... Did BCBS require any of you have to go on a six month supervised diet? If so what did you use? When did the "official" clock start ticking? When you were notified or when?
sherrie G.
on 2/18/04 7:42 am - silver creek, ga
Dear TJ: My insurance did not require the diet, but my Psych dr. did. When my psych evaluation was scheduled he requested that i beging the post operative diet (the 4oz 5-6 meals a day) and keep a journal of meals, and medications, as well as a personal diary. It has been HELL. I started February 1st and have lost a total of 8lbs. My appointment with him is March 1st, so I am excited to tell him about the weight loss. It has been hard, and i have not always been honest with myself as far as keeping to the diet. I think it has been more because i know it wont hurt me if i cheat. AFter i have the surgery if i cheat, it will become a major health problem then, so i think, no....I KNOW that i will do much better. I have found that sweets no longer appeal to me, neither do cokes, or fatty foods, so give it a try, you might find it helps. I hav survived on yogurts, eggs, babyfood cereals in a jar, sugar free koolaid sweetened with splenda, grilled, broiled or slow cooked meals. let me know how you do. YOU CAN DO IT!!! SHERRIE
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