Back on Track/Can't stand my INS Company

J.G. H.
on 2/13/04 9:52 pm - Marietta, GA
Thanks for the info regarding Medicaid. If I have to go that route, the surgeon I am currently seeing accepts Medicaid. I have an appt. with the Nutritionist 2/24, Psych Eval 2/23 and informational meetings 3/3 and 3/11. Whew. Now, the Ins. company is giving me flack over the supervised diets for a period of 3 years. My former PCP is in another state and from the records we received, and info from the nurse it only confimed they didn't keep great records. The physician knows the programs I have been on, however there are no records to back all of the failed diets up.......Does that mean I have to start over and wait 3 years to submit to Great-West, I will be uninsured by then????????????
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