Anyone know the requireme...
Good Morning, I have BC/BS of Georgia HMO and the surgery has to be considered medically neccessary by their criteria. You must have one or more co-morbidities (i.e. diabetes, joint pain, high blood pressure, etc.) that would be alleviated by weight loss. They will ask if you've been on a six month doctor supervised diet and will want the records, they will require a psych and nutrional evaluation, and don't even try to get the Fobi Pouch procedure because they will deny you right away. I've been working on approval since September and I just got approved on Jan. 22, so be prepared and make sure you have all your documents together when you submit your info, because if one little thing is missing they will put your claim in a "pending status" and take another 6 weeks to give you an approval or denial. Good luck!! If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.
Chandra is the requirements of bc/bs of ga.....I was given this info from my job. And it has some good information in there.