Sign petition & make Ins. Co. pay for WLS a law!

K C.
on 1/11/04 9:12 am - Horseshoe Bend, ID
Sign petition & make Ins. Co. pay for WLS a law! Your help is needed! Click on the link below to help make this happen! And don't forget to write to your congress members.
on 1/14/04 6:39 am - MARIETTA, GA
Kari, Sorry, but I disagree with you. This is why. When the states make laws like this the insurance companies will simply pull out of those states. This happened in California about 15 years ago in the automobile insurance industry. California passed a severe law and a lot of the major insurance companies pulled out. We recently had a similar thing happen in the mortgage industry here in GA. People who knew nothing about the industry passed a law and a lot of lenders who loaned to "very less than perfect credit clients" pulled out of GA. What we need to do is appeal to employers. Especially large employers. We need to provide them with the facts about obesity. How many work hours are lost a year due to obesity related problems and illnesses. We need to show them how much more profitable it would be to have WLS in their policies. There is a great article from CNN about the State of Louisianna examining this issue. Please keep in mind this is just my opinion. Cathy Gogan
K C.
on 1/14/04 10:43 am - Horseshoe Bend, ID
Thanks Cathy ~ I guess passing something like this for one state would be hard. I guess I never thought of it that way. It is a good thing we have a democracy and debate issues. I am just very frustrated because I really need this surgery and my husband's insurance company has a written exclusion with no other choices. I am self-employed and buying individual insurance is expensive. Finding an individual policy that covers WLS is appearently impossible. I have searched high and low and can't seem to find a solution. I am facing having to close my successful business to find a job that has insurance that covers WLS. Finding a job that covers is also difficult. I find it awkward to ask about WLS during an interview. Thanks for listening to me vent. Kari
K C.
on 1/14/04 10:58 am - Horseshoe Bend, ID
Cathy~ I can't get the link to CNN to work. I don't see the article in the health section. Do you remember the name of the article? Thanks........
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