No WLS coverage- Cigna 2004

on 12/10/03 1:51 am - GA
I just found out that Cigna will no be covering WLS in 2004 for me (and I'm an employee)! ::::::::::::::SCREAM:::::::::::::::CRY:::::::::: What now?!!!
on 12/10/03 2:14 am - GA
I spoke with Dr Duncan's office and even if I attend the seminar, get an office visit right away, Cigna still takes 6-8 weeks to approve. I also spoke to Cigna, my surgery would have to be approved and done before Dec 31st for them to cover anything...... sadly,,,,,,,,,my journey is over.........
(deactivated member)
on 12/10/03 3:43 am - Georgia Peach, MD
Tracy, The first of the year is coming up. Can't you switch insurance carriers?
on 12/10/03 4:56 am - GA
We have already gone through open enrollment and we can't change benefits or companies now for 2004. I could research my husband's company to see if they are going to cover it... but you're talking 2 years from now just to check into it... I was working towards the lap band surgery... $25K from what I hear. I don't have that kind of money. I am the mother of two small children. I just feel like I've hit a brick wall... that it's all over with... the hope is gone
Susan I.
on 12/11/03 5:20 am - -, GA
Becky, I thought that was true about WLS being a state law,too, but someone pointed out to me that that's not true. A bill was introduced but subsequently very watered down to say something like "employers MAY offer" but not employers WILL offer. And though the hospitals discount the bills for the insurance companies, I think that's a contractual thing and doesn't apply to self pay. I'm with Aetna and if they ever discontinued coverage (and I'm losing sleep over that lately), I would check out a Lap Band in Mexico or Europe, which can be done for about $9,000 total. I don't think I'd want to do a RNY outside the country, though. And there still may be followup problems here; I have to check into that more. Anyway, Tracy, I feel terribly for you. I think it's rotten they can cancel coverage without warning. Seems like a class action suit is in order. SusanN Atlanta 250s/waiting for Aetna approval
Stacy M.
on 12/10/03 5:03 am - Forest Park, GA
Tracy, I'm so sorry hun as I feel your pain too. My hubby has Cigna too as I have been doing all I can to have my surgery. I was on the last 5 months of the supervised weight loss program that Cigna wanted for me to have in order to have the surgery and then my husband gets the new benefits package for 2004 and boom it says Cigna will no longer cover any obesity surgery. I am so mad and furious. I just don't under stand how an insuarance company can do this. I just gave up on the WLS and moved on. I guess God wanted me to be fat and miserable. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I feel. I have been doing every friggin thing for alittle over a year to have my surgery and I get not one friggin thing in return but a denied letter and do 6 months of supervised weightloss from Cigna. Then only to find out later that Cigna will no longer cover. I have tried online to find insuarnce but they wont tell you if it covers you gotta call. So, I call and then they don't wanna answer you or wont get back in touch. I have called every day. Now the deadline to turn in the benefits package is next week. My husband cant get another job cuz of the job he does nor will I let him change jobs cuz he makes damn good money but not nuff to dish out for my surgery. I cant get a job cuz of my weight. I can hardly walk for 30 mins at a time. I'm pretty much bond to my house. I do go out but I mostly stay at home. I'm just giving up maybe with enuff complaints and such Cigna will reconsider WLS for 2005. The only thing now I'm doing is going to Curves 3 days a week, 2 days a week of walking the track and doing the Curves diet. I did my 1st weigh in the week of Thanksgiving and lost 11 inches and only gained 1 lb. So, maybe with me doing this I will lose my weight within 2 0r 3 yrs. That's all I can hope for and am able to do. I'm sorry I just rambling on here. Tracy I do feel your pain believe me hun. Where is Cataula? I'm in Forest Park about 15 mins south of Atlanta. Maybe we can get toghther and walk or something.
on 12/10/03 5:25 am - GA
Thanks Staci. Feel free to email me directly.
on 12/10/03 10:00 pm - GA
Ok I don't want to get my hopes up... I got an email this morning at work from the manager of the UM dept at Cigna who said something about it being by state guidelines and medical necessity in 2004 for Cigna employees... she's suppose to be sending me guidelines... Please pray for me!!
(deactivated member)
on 12/10/03 10:29 pm - Georgia Peach, MD
Prayers going up for you TRACY and STACY!!
on 12/12/03 3:46 am - GA
oK, I have received clarification from Intracorp management at Cigna. There are some states and some employer groups not covering WLS in 2004. Cigna in Georgia is not one of them so there is still hope for me. ANSWERED PRAYER!!! thankyou!!!! I was given bad information through the member services aka customer service line! Intracorp is their utilization management division that reviews claims for medical necessity. That is where I received clarification. I really want to call customer service back and let them know a thing or two right now!!!! I go to Dr Duncan's seminar next week. Cigna faxed me their guidelines. Looks like I will need to see a nutritionist and a psychologist. Does Dr Duncan set you up with someone? or do I need to do that myself?
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