In Search of a Support Group
My name is Tina and I have recently moved to the Cartersville, Georgia area from Hawaii.
I am looking for a support group in my area. Can anyone help me? You may email me at [email protected].
Aloha, and welcome to Georgia, Tina. I lived in Honolulu for five years and just recently returned from a visit there in September (during the bus strike--ouch!).
I encourage you to join a Yahoo group called WINGS, which seems to be the largest support group in the metro Atlanta area. Just go to, click on "groups", search for WINGS and you'll find us. It's a very supportive forum with monthly in-person meetings. I could swear I remember something about a sub-group in Kennesaw (relatively close to you), but just ask on the WINGS board.
Hope to see you on the boards.
Dr. Hart
I live near cartersville, about 6 miles from there. I am post op and I used Dr. Sidney Appel he is in Decatur and he has a support meeting every month. Call 404-501-7081 to find out the next meeting, also Dr. Waits has a large support meeting near northside hospital, I don't know his number. If you would like to get together to talk just e-mail me. 21 months post op and down to 115 from 285.
Patricia Whitley
Hi Tina,
Some of us WINGS members who live in the I-75 north
corridor are trying to start a group. We will be posting it on
[email protected]. We hope to start
aftr first of the year.
Feel free to email me.