Looking for answers
I don't know how to ask this without sounding upset with the staff
at Emory, because I am not upset. I am actually very pleased
with the helpfulness they have given me. BUT! I have been trying
to find out if they recieved my denial letter from Cigna for the past
few days so that they could fax the pre-determination to my
secondary insurance for approval. I have faxed them the correct
secondary insurance information, the denial letter that I recieved
and no one can tell me for sure what is going on. All the say they
know is that my case is pending. Pending what? Pending
Cigna's response or United Healthcare's response? I would
just like to know where I stand or if I need to be pressuring UHC
for a response. There has to be someone there that I can ask
for to get a more specific answer. Any ideas out there from those
who have been through their program?