I think that people needs to volunteer more
I totaly understand that people have very busy lives, with kids work ect. BUT people we have got to stick togather, and volunteer when we can. to be an Angel is free and its very rewarding in the end. one reason is you end up with a great friend.someone that you can share with someone that will also be there with you when you need them. I never know someonehaveing to many friends. I posted a message on the message board about two week ago tofind Angels for the people that wanted extra support and my e-mail flooded. so I came back and asked for volunteer
and I have not got one reply.this makes me sad. We need to give all the support to all of the people and help out when we can. some of the people that are asking for Angels are people that are alone. or there famileyand friends aren't supporting them or just don't understand what they are going through. so with this I hope we stop and say, " Well yes I can give up a hour of t.v. time and listen to a friend." What we give out of our hearts we get ten times over.