Waiting for Insurance

Candice P.
on 9/22/03 2:51 am - Adairsville, Ga
I went to see the surgeon on Friday September 19, 2003. I have gotten very excited since I made the decision to have the surgery. Now the hard part is waiting, I wi**** could be done tomorrow. Any suggestions on how to get this off my mind for awhile. I have never been a very patient person so this is real hard for me.
Marrilee M.
on 10/7/03 9:12 am
Waiting is very hard once we make a decision to take action. What surgeon are you using? Have you don't all the prep work: diet history, blood work, xrays or scans, psych eval, etc? What did you have to provide the insurance company and who is your insurance with? How much out of pocket to expect to pay?
Candice P.
on 10/7/03 9:37 pm - Adairsville, Ga
Marrilee, I am using Dr. Paynter in Dalton, Ga. I have done everything that the insurance wanted like psych eval, diet history and PCP referral. The blood work, xrays, and scans will come after approval from the insurance. I have Great West Insurance and I have talked to them on several occassions and they said they didn't see a problem with them approving the surgery but who knows. My insurance will pay at 100% as long as the dr. in in network and he is so I am just praying that everything goes the way I want it too.
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