Naughty or Nice???

on 11/29/11 5:30 am - Athens, GA

Naughty or Nice? Care Bear? Pay It Forward This Christmas!

Posted on by MariaFitzpatrick

So…………Naughty or Nice this Christmas season? And if you were naughty……….Just how naughty were you?


Now that we’ve reached the age at which Santa has abandoned us, what’s you incentive to be nice?


Does being nice matter? Or do nice guys finish last?

We all do nice things for our family and friends during the holiday season, but will you be doing something nice for a stranger?


Will you Pay It Forward and help someone less fortunate this Christmas season?


*The Pay It Forward Movement is the real-life reaction of the release of the book “Pay It Forward“, and later the Warner Brothers movie that followed. The purpose of the Pay It Forward website is to bring together as many stories of hope and inspiration as possible. It’s a way to renew your faith in human nature.*

Or are you a Care Bear?

One of the very few that cares and shares throughout the year?



Here are some suggestions from RandomActsOf


  • Offer a Couple Hours of Free Babysitting to Parents

    Many parents of young children can’t afford to go out as much as they like because they don’t have time, or can’t afford the added expense of a babysitter.

  • Give Carepacks to the Homeless

    There are so many everyday accessories and toiletries we take for granted – toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant. But more than this. LISTEN to their stories.Find out WHY they are homeless. Or better yet….help get them off the streets!  It is often just a simple bad decision, or it could even be a week out sick from work. Even something like a minor illness can have devastating repercussions on someone with a very fragile financial situation.One lost paycheck can mean the difference between a home…………..and life on the streets. :-

  • Help a Child Learn

    When you look back at your own childhood, you can probably name several key people who taught you some of the most important things you know today. You too, can be an influential force in a child’s life by spending time helping him or her to learn. You can help a child master a subject he or she is struggling with in school, teach him or her to play a sport or learn another skill.

  • Help Someone for Free

    It’s easy to put time and effort into tasks if we’re doing them for ourselves or getting paid to do them. But what about doing work for others when you aren’t getting paid? Why not do a job like mowing the lawn, cleaning the house or babysitting for someone, and surprise him or her by not charging.

  • Help Someone Whose Car is Broken Down

    No one enjoys having car trouble, especially if they are on their way to work or late for an appointment. The feeling of being stranded somewhere can be extremely stressful, but it can also very lonely. All it might take for you to boost the spirits of someone whose car is broken down is just to stop and see if there is anything you can help with. Even if help is already on the way, he or she will be grateful for your gesture.

  • Make Blankets for the Homeless

    “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -William James

  • Write a Letter to Someone Who Made a Difference in Your Life

    “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." -Albert Schweitzer.


  • Visit an Animal Shelter

    There are many benefits to being around pets. In fact, researchers have found that people who have pets are likely to live longer than those who don’t. One reason for this might be because being around a pet can reduce stress in your life, and even help people combat depression.

  • Leave a Generous Tip

    Next time you eat at a restaurant, leave a generous tip as a surprise for your waiter or waitress. Or next time you get coffee or ice cream somewhere, look for a tip jar and leave more than just the change from your transaction. Why not throw in an extra dollar or two? You are bound to make someone’s day when you tip more than expected. Especially since waiters/waitresses do not even get paid minimum wage! :-(

  • Transport Someone Who Can’t Drive   

    Those of us who have cars often take for granted that we can drive anywhere we want, whenever we want.

  • Bring Your Coworkers a Special Treat

    Small surprises and tokens of your appreciation spread throughout the year help the people in your workplace feel valued all year long. Surprise your coworkers with donuts, cookies or a homemade treat.

  • Adopt a Soldier

  • Raise a soldier’s spirits and make a friend by adopting a soldier as a pen pal. Showing your encouragement and gratitude for the hard work they do will be appreciated.
  • Bring Someone a Souvenir

    When you take a trip, bring a souvenir home for someone who doesn’t expect it. Even the smallest trinket will remind them that you care about them.


Being sick is no fun. It can be frusterating because you are not able to do the things you normally do. Not being able to socialize with people you normally see can also make being sick very lonely. Call someone who you know is sick and ask them how they are. Or, surprise them with a visit and bring flowers or a card. Knowing that someone cares about you is often the best medicine!


  • Donate $1

    “Would you like to donate $1 to…"

    It seems like we get asked this in check out lines everywhere: grocery stores; department stores; fast food restaurants. Modern technology is such that we can add one dollar on to our purchase, and that one dollar will go to the cause that store is promoting. Next time you are put in that situation, donate the dollar. You won’t regret it later, and every bit counts.

  • Encourage Someone

    Encourage someone who needs it. Whether it’s a friend, sibling, parent, child or coworker, a little recognition could make a world of difference in their lives. Let them know that you are thankful for them and that you appreciate having them in your life. You can encourage someone with words, a hug, a gift or even an email or phone call. It is so simple to do; act now and go encourage someone!

  • Give Event Tickets

    Be generous to both friends and strangers. Give someone a pair of tickets to a baseball game or concert. It will make their day a memorable one! Or invite someone to go with you for free. If you have two event tickets and someone else backed out at the last minute, call up a friend or co-worker and see if they can go with you. Sometimes spontaneity leads to the best times with friends and family.

  • Make a New Friend Today

    Introduce yourself to a stranger and strike up a conversation. Or, perhaps there is someone you’ve seen occasionally on the bus or in the neighborhood. Ask them how they’re doing.

  • Help an Unemployed Friend

    If you’ve ever been out of work and had a hard time finding a job, you can probably sympathize with those who are unemployed. Struggling to find a job can often make other things in your life fall apart. For many people, being unemployed means not being able to afford health insurance, child care, or even have the means to provide their family with regular meals.


The list goes on and on. See the need. Fill the need. A few minutes out of your scheduel can mean the world to someone to someone in need!

Be the change you want to see!


on 11/30/11 1:30 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Well Maria,

I had a perfect score until the Facebook friend request question.  I am so guilty of ignoring folks I haven't heard from since elementary school who all of a sudden want to be my friend.

Now, keep in mind in school, I was a fat, unpopular, pimply nerd.  So you know they are just being nosey and don't give a sh+t about how I'm doing or anything worthwhile

I am also guilty of blocking nosey family members who want to always be in my business and use FB as a source for gossip.

And let's not leave out the overposters who feel compelled to post every time they sneeze or fart. I mean get a life!!!

So, I guess since you made the cut and are my FB friend Maria, you should consider yourself lucky! hee hee hee

I can't wait to see ya at the Christmas party Saturday. And, let hubby know there will be plenty of fellas for him to hang out with if he wants to come too.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

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