X- Post Calling all Macik Patients

on 1/1/12 8:46 pm - GA
VSG on 07/19/12
Happy New Year!!!!!by this time next year we should be almost half the people we are today! I am so looking forward to being a healther person, I am so grateful God has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding about this decision. I got an earlier appt so I will see Dr. Macik at 11:45 today..I will keep you posted..
   ROMANS 12:1 
   I beseech you therefore brethern, by the mercies of God,that you present your bodies a  living sacrifice,holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.
on 1/1/12 9:59 pm - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
Happy New Year to you too! Yes, I am so excited to see what this new year will bring. I am still praying for peach with my decision, I know God will give it to me. I think it's having a small child that makes it so hard for me, but I know this is the best thing for the both of us. Please keep me posted, I can't wait to hear how it goes.
on 1/2/12 5:24 am - GA
VSG on 07/19/12
Well I am back.. I was in and out I went totally blank when he asked me if I had any question,, even though I really didint , I asked him if i could lose as much weight with the sleeve as with the rny, he said yes if you work at it.but i said i thought you were to ask me some ? to see which would be better for me then he asked if i was diabetic and i said no, then he said well the rny you risk complications later on and with the sleeve you risk comps at the beginning i said i take the sleeve he said ok and shook my hand and left. I thought it was kinda funny because i knew what to expect as far as his personality..let me know how yours goes..write your ? down..I think doing this early in your childs life is a good thing.. my children are grown 23 and 15. So i will probaly be looking at a surgery date in May
on 1/2/12 6:58 am - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
WOW! That did go quick and easy. I have my questions already written out. Why do you think it will be May before you get a date? Do you have to do a 6 month diet?
on 1/3/12 3:12 am - GA
VSG on 07/19/12
i have to do 3 months with psch doc, 3 months with nut and 4 with macik, so jan , feb march, last appt with macik in april to turn in all docs, so surgery will probably be in May....maybe April..Tell me how your appt goes..
on 1/3/12 5:52 am - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
You were not playing when you said quick. I was in and out in no time at all, I have to say I like that. The visit, was real laid back. I am not sure what I expected, I think I was looking for it to be a little more intense.
Jennifer B.
on 2/28/12 11:00 am - GA
VSG on 04/13/12
Did you end up asking him what the malpractice was for? I was researching it tonight on line and came across your post about it. I am really interested to know what it was about and how he took the questioning about it. I am still more than confident in my decision to go with Macik just interested to know. The office will be submitting my paperwork to my insurance tomorrow and I am so excited to get an answer!
on 3/1/12 5:13 am - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
Hi Jennifer, I honestly did not ask him. I was prepared to do it, but when we started talking he put me right at ease, he had done that in the seminar and then he did it again. I forgot to ask, I don't know how that happened, but I forgot.

My husband was like how the hell do you forget to ask a question like that? I guess the real answer is, once I talked to him on a one on one basis, I knew for sure he was the surgeon for me.
HT: 5'4"      HW: 251  SW: 237  CW: 172 GW: 135 
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
"You can control how much water you drink, how much protein/carbs/cals you consume, and how much you exercise. FOCUS on those and not the scale, because no matter how hard we try, we do not control the scale." ~  acbbrown

Jennifer B.
on 3/1/12 8:26 am - GA
VSG on 04/13/12
 I agree with that feeling he is definitely the one for me too. I was just curious as to if you addressed it or not. I paid on Wed for them to submit the paperwork to insurance but I don't know if Tiffany has done it yet. Any Idea how long it took them to submit once you paid? 
on 3/1/12 8:44 am - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
She submitted mine the next day, but the insurance company kept saying that had not received it. She ending up sending it in 3 times. Once they confirmed they received it, I was approved the same day.

FYI: I paid on a Tuesday and she told me she submits to insurance on Wednesdays and Friday. So, if she did not do it yesterday, she will do it tomorrow. Don't be afraid to call and ask. I talked to her damn near every day. Every time I have a question I call, and she is always willing to answer.
HT: 5'4"      HW: 251  SW: 237  CW: 172 GW: 135 
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
"You can control how much water you drink, how much protein/carbs/cals you consume, and how much you exercise. FOCUS on those and not the scale, because no matter how hard we try, we do not control the scale." ~  acbbrown

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